[Cable & Deadpool] Good Intentions (3/?)

May 25, 2010 22:05

Title: Good Intentions
Summary: Deadpool thought killing that 'Nathan' guy was going to be a fairly routine job. He couldn't have been more wrong.
Chapter: 3/?
Characters/Pairing: Cable/Deadpool, X-Force
Rating: NC-17 (over all), R (this part)
Word Count: 5590
Previous Parts: Part 1 Part 2

Chapter 3 )

fic, cable&deadpool

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Comments 24

velithya May 26 2010, 10:34:48 UTC


rallamajoop May 26 2010, 11:29:03 UTC


velithya May 26 2010, 13:01:59 UTC


rallamajoop May 26 2010, 14:31:46 UTC
Good picspams? It'd all have to come from the early chapters of C&DP - and we've all seen that already. =P Cable's never looked as good before or since. (Though he does get a few decent artists in his old solo series, once the Liefeld influence wears off.)


ldydragon7 June 14 2010, 15:31:27 UTC
I've been pretty horrible about commenting lately, but I've been really enjoying all your Cable and Deadpool stories. (And I'm completely siked that one of my favorite Clamp fic writers is being so prolific at writing in the new fandom I've gotten into.)

I am really enjoying the dynamic between Deadpool and New Mutants era Cable. You are doing a great job at showing Wade's insecurities and how he tried to cover them up.

I'm collecting the Deadpool Classic TPB and so I had read Circle Chase and Deadpool's first appearance shortly before finding this fic and I continue to be amused at how perfectly your first chapter fits into that issue of NM.

I'm looking forward to seeing how they deal with the Domino/Copycat situation.


rallamajoop June 15 2010, 04:00:40 UTC
Oh hey, I knew I'd recognised your name around cabledeadpool! ^_^

I am really enjoying the dynamic between Deadpool and New Mutants era Cable.

Glad to hear it, though it's probably debatable how much they are the New Mutants era Cable and Deadpool. They've probably more ended up as present-era Cable and Deadpool, back-extrapolated a few years, plus or minus the effects of some very different life experiences and a few half-hearted attempts by the writer to add the occasional nods to the EXTREME character-tropes of the nineties. Or to put it another way, they're being written by someone who is still not sure how much she's cheating by portraying them both as more sympathetic characters than their actual X-Force counterparts, but mostly figures it's not going to bother any of her readers.

I'm collecting the Deadpool Classic TPB

*g* Me too. I'm guilty of downloading most of the comics I've been using for reference of this time period, but I loved a lot of Deadpool's early stories and wanted proper copies.

and so I had read Circle Chase and ( ... )


tinypinkmouse July 14 2010, 09:59:31 UTC
I just read through the story so far and I really like it. Admitedly Nate pretty much seducing Wade right of the bat wasn't exactly what I'd expect of the guy. Not that I mind, I really don't and you made it make sense, which is all kinds of awesome. I'm suprised at how well I remember the canon (it's not really that long since I read the issues in question, but still...). It's nice since I can appreciate the effort that has gone into making this fit with canon. The downside of course being that the image I keep getting of Cable in my mind is from that particular time as well ( ... )


rallamajoop July 14 2010, 10:59:58 UTC
I notice you replied to part 3 here, did you see that chapter 4 is up? Because if not, then you may not have to be as patient as you thought.

I just read through the story so far and I really like it.

Thoroughly pleased to hear it! =D Doubly nice to have someone reading who knows the background canon.

Admitedly Nate pretty much seducing Wade right of the bat wasn't exactly what I'd expect of the guy. Not that I mind, I really don't and you made it make sense, which is all kinds of awesome.

Given that I have not even technically filled out the complete explanation for what was going on in Cable's head there yet, it's really quite gratifying that it already works for you. *g*

I was wondering what you were going to do about the Vanessa thing, because Wade's ex, Nate's ex... might be a bit awkward. It really did take me by susprise when Wade brought it up completely voluntarilyI knew from the start the Vanessa situation was something I'd have to deal with early on - the scene where Wade brought it up has been planned out in detail ( ... )


tinypinkmouse July 14 2010, 16:03:30 UTC
Well I did find part four, which you might have noticed by the other comment I left. ^^

And actually no C&DP wasn't my introduction to either of the characters, but it is what I've read of either of them most recently and that's mostly what I picture when I think of either character (and I admit I haven't read much of what's happened to either after that). My first introduction to Cable would have been some X-men or other, right after Cyclops and Phoenix got back from raising him in the future and Phoenix actually realised that was him (or maybe she just suspected, can't remember). A very, very confusing place to suddenly drop in on the story.

And yes, that picture of Nate is rather... uh... nice. ^^;


foresthouse July 15 2010, 00:26:40 UTC
Hello! Found you via your comment on Cleolinda's journal that had a Death of Rats icon (squeeaaak!) and then came on over here and saw that you're a Cable & Deadpool fan, too. Who knows the canon as fanatically as I do. Yay! Clearly I must friend you. :D

P.S. I love seeing icons addygryff and I made on journals of people I never "met" before. Hee!


rallamajoop July 15 2010, 06:41:37 UTC
Aha, clearly I should use my Death of Rats icon in public more often! *g*

Who knows the canon as fanatically as I do.

I really only got into the fandom last year, and I'd have to admit to skim-reading a lot of the older issues. (My tolerance for Liefeld-art is... somewhat limited.) But I do seem to have this weird love for continuity-heavy stories - sometimes hunting down the backstory and piecing it all together is half the fun even when half of it inevitably contradicts the other half - and there are a lot of bits from the old canon that I really enjoyed. Hence: fic! Most of the feedback I've had on it so far have been from people who only know C&DP - which is fine, but it's gratifying to finally have a few people reading who're getting something out of all the old canon references. :3

Minor point, I notice you commented on the second last last chapter of this fic, you did see the more recent one too, right? Just I've already had one person today who missed it somehow. ^^;

P.S. I love seeing icons [info]addygryff and I made on ( ... )


foresthouse July 15 2010, 07:05:23 UTC
Yes! Discworld is The Bestest. :D

Oh, yes, I caught the last chapter! :) Just commented on this one b/c of the Notes section.

Yeah, Liefeld art is...terrifying. I have likened his depictions of mouths to...well let's just say I think they resemble the back end of the human anatomy. And not the nice curvy part. It's either that or the faces look like monkeys. *shudder* Thank goodness for Fabian Nicieza stepping in to write Deadpool as a memorable and awesome character.

Oh, I love obscure references to canon. I use them a lot at ask_deadpool. *g* And in That One Story Fic I Never Finished But Will Someday I Swear. It's completely old-school, although the second half (if there ever is one) will skip forward to include Cable. (Shameless pimping, even though it's not finished: http://foresthouse.livejournal.com/474286.html :)

Have you seen the mood theme Addy and I made a while ago? It's here:Reply

rallamajoop July 15 2010, 14:33:00 UTC
It's the one fandom I've been in consistently since high school, and it's stayed awesome all these years. :3

Yeah, Liefeld art is...terrifying. I have likened his depictions of mouths to...well let's just say I think they resemble the back end of the human anatomy.

I think he has about two different ways of drawing mouths, the D: face, and the one you described, and neither of them are fit for polite company. I will never get my head around the idea his art used to be a sales success.

Thank goodness for Fabian Nicieza stepping in to write Deadpool as a memorable and awesome character.

It's kind of weird to remember that he was doing the scripts from very early on in Cable's 90's period. The quality only improved when Liefeld finally left the title though.

Read the fic. Got a bit lost in the intros, but you do write one gloriously and hilariously authentic Deadpool. XD

Nice mood theme too. I think it says a lot for the emotional rollercoaster factor of Cable&Deadpool that you found something to fit so well with everything. (Can't ( ... )


:) anonymous March 7 2012, 21:40:27 UTC
I can't get over how great this story is! I love that you portray Deadpool as an actual person with faults and insecurities rather than a one-dimensional badass added simply for humor.

"It probably said a lot about Deadpool that his first impulse was to look over the opposite shoulder."

I really, really love that line.

Congrats on a spectacular fic!


Re: :) rallamajoop March 9 2012, 09:05:40 UTC
Wow, thanks! I've kinda been neglecting this story for a while, but with my other big WIP nearly finished I'm hoping to be back to it very soon.

I love that you portray Deadpool as an actual person with faults and insecurities rather than a one-dimensional badass added simply for humor.

Eheh, welcome to the land of slash? ^^; Insecurities do tend to get emphasised a lot in a certain variety of fic, and when you're writing a redemption story set this far back in DP's history the greater challenge is not to get carried away showing off his sensitive side. Coming up with suitable witicisms for every other line - now that's the hard part.


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