So, I've been poking through the library of old licensed fiction from the old Man from UNCLE paperback series and magazine. A few are good, but most (as general fan consensus seems to agree) fail to capture the spirit of the series in any particularly convincing way, or are just not that well written, or (and frequently) both. It's a matter of
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Comments 7
There are several good pieces of research on the novels by Al Tonik, a fan from long ago, that were published in the HQ newsletter.
Kathyy Crighton also published an interview with Avallone in a SF mag. I missed the gathering which he attended and after hearing about him, was glad I did.
I actually remember you mentioning that in your book! (which TBH I have still not quite finished reading, because I keep getting myself side-tracked by stuff like this) Would love to get a look at those someday.
Kathyy Crighton also published an interview with Avallone in a SF mag. I missed the gathering which he attended and after hearing about him, was glad I did.
Oh boy, that bad, huh? What was he supposed to have done?
Ever read the UNCLE Files? They have a couple of interesting maps that fans used to figure out how the HQ was laid out and where those entrances were.
I've heard of those - they do sound very interesting (may go looking for a copy sometime when I have a little more disposable income available again). I've found scattered scans online here and there - oddly, I've think I've found (parts of) two quite different versions of the floor layout, so I'm wondering if perhaps there were two different editions ( ... )
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