Marvel comics I have loved (the definitive rec post)

Oct 23, 2012 12:05

A commenter in my last post asked if I had any recs for someone trying to get back into comics after many years away. I started writing up a reply, and it quickly turned into a laundry list of everything I have enjoyed from Marvel since I got into them, which is a bit on the long side to fit into a comment. So I figured what the hey - why not turn ( Read more... )

recs, marvel comics, cable&deadpool, avengers

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Comments 6

prue84 October 23 2012, 08:05:01 UTC
Do you suggest to continue with Uncanny X-Force? I admit I've stopped with it after Dark Angel saga (being Warren my most favorite character ever, even more than Wade, you can imagine how bummed I was when he left to retur to school)...

Cable & Deadpool forever!


rallamajoop October 24 2012, 03:37:22 UTC
In all fairness, I did find the Dark Angel saga much stronger than all that's come since. The follow-up arc was only three issues long but probably needed to be at least twice that to properly introduce all the ideas it threw around, and the current one is maybe leaning a bit too strongly on the idea that this incarnation of X-Force is a bigger deal than I buy it as.

But on the other hand, Wade remains a bright spot even through the worst of it. Also, if you hadn't heard, there's actually a minor plot point in issue #28 revolving around a horrible possible future world gone wrong yadayada which I would not even care about except that evil!Deadpool is back with evil!Cable and seem to be playing happy (evil?) families with Hope. It is such a random throwaway thing that I don't know what Cable and Hope are even doing there except supplying a shout-out to old Cable & Deadpool fans, but on that level alone I appreciate it immensely. :3 ( ... )


prue84 October 24 2012, 06:56:03 UTC
You know, the last line only made me decide to get back to reading it, being myself a big Angel/Pyslocke fan (and bummed by X-Force because of this too). ;)
Thank you!


rallamajoop October 24 2012, 07:06:22 UTC
Ha, glad to oblige then! The Angel/Psylocke stuff bugged me a little personally simply because there's all of one female character on the team and we spend so much time on her romantic prospects, but I'm also coming at it as a fan who's hardly read anything featuring either character before. I can well believe that to a shipper it would look a little different. ;)


traincat October 23 2012, 16:08:26 UTC
I don't have any real comment other than to say HIGHFIVE for enjoying the 2009 Wolverine movie. I-I'm not alone? ;_;


rallamajoop October 24 2012, 03:48:25 UTC
You are mostly certainly not! I'm hardly going to defend it as a masterpiece of cinema or anything, but I do not get people's problem with it. I mean, it had awesome fight scenes! Naked Hugh Jackman! Ryan Reynolds-Deadpool! Athletically sexy Gambit! It was funny, it was vaguely poignant, it had a love interest subplot which mostly actually worked for me despite how many cliches it was built from! It even mostly fit with the rest of the movie continuity! What more did anyone want? (Did I mention the fantastic fight scenes and Hugh Jackman's arse?) IDGI.

(Also, I know at least two more people who totally agree with me, so nyah.)

*ahem* What was I saying? Oh yeah. *highfive* Trust me, you are not alone. *g*


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