Writing work list

Apr 29, 2008 09:06

author: Rakuen Minamino Flowright
pairing: Hikaru/Kaoru Hitachiin - Ouran koukou Host Club.
disclaimer: They’re not mine, and I don’t care owning them. It’s just the fictions belonging to me.
category: Shounen ai. Twincest.
genres: Romance. A little bit humor.
a.n: Do not take out without permission. If you want, tell me first. I can easily argee but will get mad if you ignore me and keep doing such thing.

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1. Belong
rating: T+
status: Oneshot.
warning: Not so hard, but not light too. So be careful.
summary: I love you, how could you love someone else?
link: http://rakuenhitachiin.livejournal.com/798.html

2. Not only are we Brothers.
rating: PG
status: Oneshot.
warning: Only some kisses on neck.
summary: Why did you do such thing like that, without thinking of me?
link: http://rakuenhitachiin.livejournal.com/1229.html

3. The truth
rating: PG
status: Oneshot.
summary: You are not the only one who must suffer, do you know?
link: http://rakuenhitachiin.livejournal.com/1405.html

4. The promise and the Present
rating: T+
status: Oneshot.
warning: Not too hard, not light also.
a.n: Written in the day only for my beloved Hitachiin Twins, as my present, my hope, my belief for you, and your love. Just be happy together, forever, and, Happy Birthday.
summary: We always share everything, so what kind of gift can we give to each others, for our day?
link: http://rakuenhitachiin.livejournal.com/1605.html

5. Wings and the Happiness
rating: K+
status: Threeshot. Completed.
pairings: Evil/Angel
genres: Alternative Universe. Fairy tales.
summary: Evil may be cruel, but too gentle to the one he loves.
link: part 1 | part 2 | part 3.

6. Twins’ love Story
rating: K+
status: Multi-chapter. Hiatus.
summary: Life’s like a circle, make us happy and hurt as well.
link: http://rakuenhitachiin.livejournal.com/2749.html

7. Night
rating: K+
status: Twoshot.
warning: Just don’t compare much to the original story. The characters may be different a little bit.
a.n: Write for you two, as a present for your day. Just be happy today, and the days after, together. Forever.
summary: Don’t wake me up just to show you love me to the night. Say.it.to.me.
link: part 1 | part 2.

8. Fair
rating: PG
status: Oneshot
summary: Just a world, filled with twins.
link: http://rakuenhitachiin.livejournal.com/4504.html

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