FIC (tribble): 'Staying Sober' - Sean and Elijah - PG

Nov 23, 2009 06:53

Title: Staying Sober
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sean Astin/Elijah Wood
Prompt: drunk
Challenge: The 'Kissing' prompts. All stories must include a kiss.

Author's notes: Thanks go, as always, to abandonada for her wonderful beta work. Cross posted to troubledtribble of course, so forgive any duplication.

Sean tried never to get drunk, but not for the reasons you’d expect. He didn’t care if he got silly. He didn’t care if he got sick. He cared about not being able to take care of Elijah.

This meant that Sean was the designated driver when they were in New Zealand. In fact he insisted upon it. That way Elijah could party to his heart’s content and Sean could take care of him-a perfect arrangement.


When Elijah got drunk, he became more than a little affectionate. At first Sean didn’t mind. He’d push Elijah gently toward one of the female crew members who were always hanging about wanting a bit of actor attention, and off Elijah would go. But later on, after their relationship had grown into something both wondrous and terrifying, something that neither of them had expected, it became harder to deflect Elijah’s affection… because he no longer wanted to deflect it.

“Hey,” Elijah murmured. “Dance with me?”

“Elwood, you’re drunk.”

“I’m buzzed, not drunk. Do I have to be drunk to want to be close to you?” He abruptly wheeled to walk away… clearly hurt.

Lunging quickly, Sean grabbed him and dragged him to an empty hallway.

“Lij, please wait. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not drunk,” Elijah said curtly. “I just figured that if you danced with me I could be close to you without… without… oh, fuck it! Never mind!”

“Without what?”

“Without freaking you out.”

Sean slowly lifted Elijah’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “May I have the honor of this dance, Mr. Frodo?”

“It won’t scare you?”

“Fuck yes, it’ll scare me.”

"But you'll do it anyway."



"You know why."

"Because you love me."

"Because we love each other."

"I'm not drunk, Sean."

"I believe you."

"Let's dance."

troubled tribble, kissing prompts, sean and elijah

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