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Comments 16

shoshannagold December 14 2003, 18:08:11 UTC
I'm obviously a little too fixated on fan fiction, because I thought at first that you wanted all that to happen in fanfiction, not on the show. Because where you said 'triangle', my brain read 'threesome'. And I was thinking,
'well, I'm going to have some time over holidays. I'll write that for her.'

But, on the show? Yeah, that would be cool, too. I'm going to try to warm up to Anna, and really, I just want to see Ryan with anybody but Marissa. Except, is there anyway to do this without hurting Seth? I love Seth.

I'm big on funny!Ryan, too. Oooh, now I can't wait for tomorrow night.


raisingirl99 December 14 2003, 23:30:09 UTC
And I was thinking,
'well, I'm going to have some time over holidays. I'll write that for her.'

Aw, that's really sweet of you. :) Threesome? I wouldn't mind being Anna in that case. ;)

I know a *lot* of people aren't particular fond of Anna. Hmmm, I don't want to see Seth hurt, either. Unless I can be the one who comforts him. ;)

You're so lucky to be able to see The O.C. tomorrow. :P


shoshannagold December 15 2003, 03:55:18 UTC
Threesome? I wouldn't mind being Anna in that case. Nope. Not many people would. Not the sane ones, anyway.

If this paper doesn't hurry up and write itself, there will be no viewing of The O.C. *sigh* Oh, who am I kidding? Everybody needs to take breaks, right?


raisingirl99 December 15 2003, 07:42:26 UTC
Everybody needs to take breaks, right?

Definitely! :) Then you'll be refreshed and better able to get everything done. Besides, it can be your motivation before the episode airs (if I get this much done, then I can watch The O.C....).

Aren't I a bad influence? ;)

Wait, now I actually am starting to feel guilty. So if you need to ignore me, go right ahead. Oh, and again, good luck with everything.


neverbeen2spain December 14 2003, 18:55:24 UTC
So I think you may have been in my dream last night, at least peripherally... not to creep you out.

In the dream I told Shia that I mentioned him in my thesis (even though I haven't). He was (predictably) toolish about it. A.J. was there, and he was upset that I hadn't mentioned him. I think your role was to be upset too.

I have not been able to watch AMC for awhile (I cannot wait for Wednesday when I turn everything in), but I have been loving the whole Kendall and Bianca plot line. Whee!


raisingirl99 December 14 2003, 23:33:56 UTC
Yay for Wednesday! That's exciting!

Wow, I turned up in your dream? With AJ? *g* Shame on Shia, even if it is predictable and, you know, a dream. =)


fullycompletely December 14 2003, 19:50:29 UTC
AHAHA YOUR ICON. That's awesome.


raisingirl99 December 14 2003, 23:37:02 UTC
Hee! Thanks. :)


acangie December 15 2003, 04:26:47 UTC
Sorry, but I don't think we see eye to eye on this. Me, I was glad Joey picked Pacey. Mostly because I hated Dawson. I like the Summer/Seth/Anna triangle the way it is so far (I'm backed up on episodes so please don't give away any spoilers >_< !). I don't like Marissa all that much, but Ryan and Anna? I just don't see it. She's too happy and well-adjusted for him, I think. He's more of the brooding, angsty type.


raisingirl99 December 15 2003, 07:37:07 UTC
Me, I was glad Joey picked Pacey.

Oh, me, too. (Sorry if I said otherwise before. :\) I hated Dawson at the time, but that was simply because I thought he might come between Pacey and Joey.

Ryan and Anna? I just don't see it. She's too happy and well-adjusted for him, I think. He's more of the brooding, angsty type.

Mmm, I see your point. I guess that's why it's more of my dream storyline than anything I think actually would (or even could and still make sense) happen on the show. I still think that, taken slowly, it might not be so hard to believe, but yeah, I see your point.


simplelyric December 16 2003, 16:37:12 UTC
I caught about a minute of AMC the other day, long enough to see & hear two guys exchanging words of love. Do you know who I'm talking about, and if so, could you satisfy my curiosity as to whether they're brothers, lovers, or what?


raisingirl99 December 17 2003, 07:50:36 UTC
Hmm. I haven't been watching enough lately to know off the top of my head who they would be, but I have a few people I can ask. I'm almost 100% sure that they're not lovers, though that would certainly shake things up a bit on the show. =)


simplelyric December 17 2003, 14:25:22 UTC
I'm almost 100% sure that they're not lovers

I figured that was less likely, but the possibility certainly caught my attention. *g* I only didn't stick around to watch more because my mom was there and would've complained because she hates soap operas.


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