lost and matthew fox

Dec 03, 2006 01:09

Hey, fellow fans...


Also, Matthew Fox on SNL was far more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be... and I was really looking forward to it. :)

lost, matthew fox

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Comments 6

razzle_spazzle December 3 2006, 06:58:32 UTC
I thought he was a great host! :)


raisingirl99 December 3 2006, 07:08:25 UTC
Yay! I thought so, too! (I know, big shock, right? ;))


sweetbelle07 December 3 2006, 07:06:18 UTC
He's the bestest Mayan/Mountain Man/DJ Luxe/Police Officer/Himself/History of Math Teacher ever!


raisingirl99 December 3 2006, 07:10:42 UTC
I completely agree.

He's the bestest ... Himself


As a math geek, I personally got a big kick out of him talking about math (however brief).


crazyjay December 3 2006, 10:28:30 UTC
Thanks for the link! :) And I really liked the DJ skit. The elevator one and his annoyance kind of reminded me of the encounter at the premiere though. lol I wish they had better writers. lol


raisingirl99 December 4 2006, 02:45:44 UTC
You're welcome! :)

The elevator one and his annoyance kind of reminded me of the encounter at the premiere though.

Oh, no!!! :(

I had extremely low expectations going into the show (in terms of the writing, not Matthew Fox), so the fact that I laughed more than once was a pleasant surprise, actually.


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