
May 28, 2005 12:09

Ugh. I just wasted nearly an hour or so online, trying to find a place from which I could order a specific episode of Port Charles from 1997. I found one site, but it hadn't been updated in seven years or so; and the e-mail I sent them was returned. The thing is, I'm really stubborn, and had foolishly gotten my hopes up... so now the fact that I ( Read more... )

port charles

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Comments 5

darkeyedwolf May 28 2005, 19:43:42 UTC
Have you tried torrent sites, maybe?


raisingirl99 June 9 2005, 13:41:07 UTC
No, I haven't, though that's a good idea. Any suggestions on where to start?


kariyaki June 6 2005, 00:06:53 UTC
Just dropping a comment because I noticed you picked the one LJ interest I had that no one else did: Mike/Jennifer. Dang, now I've gotta think of a new unique one.


raisingirl99 June 9 2005, 13:42:40 UTC
I see you've added paul/emily. If you hadn't, I was going to suggest that you take "old school general hospital" and then we could call it even. ;)


yah_irock June 13 2005, 23:53:30 UTC
i saw on your interests you liked zoey 101!

click the pic to join!

... )


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