Title: Thanksgiving Dinner
seraphoftales Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, ALL THE STATES, Canada
Warnings: Some violence, accidental innaccurate portrayal of states (if you don't like them, I apologize), the first 13 states are considered his brothers and sisters
Summary: Break out the turkey and dig in! It's that holiday once more!
Thanksgiving was a disaster )
Comments 8
Tennesee, Alabama, Missouri, West Virginia, and Nebraska were all watching a football game on TV. Cheering rather wildly. With Nevada organizing a betting pool. All or nothing. With stakes as high as $100.
-should read:
Tennessee, Alabama, Missouri, West Virginia, and Nebraska were all watching a football game on TV, cheering wildly. Nevada was organizing a betting pool - all or nothing, with stakes as high as $100.
Massachusetts was arguing with Wisconsin. Nothing too philosophical. But a simple debate over which sport was better. Football or Baseball. Neither were winning.
-should read:
Massachusetts was arguing with Wisconsin. Nothing too philosophical, just a simple debate over which sport was better - football or baseball. Neither were winning.
I really need to watch out for that. I'll be more careful next time.
Thank you so much for editing though. And I will try to watch it.
(The comment has been removed)
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