Their tongues engaged in a violent battle. Their were no survivors.

May 22, 2008 16:10


I stumbled across This yesterday night and wasted about three hundred hours of my life reading it. OLD ENTRIES BE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE! I can't believe that was in 2006. Where did time go? What have I been doing with my life? I am somewhat depressed right now...

I have sorely missed babb_chronicles! Everyone who has just as much fun stabbing bad ( Read more... )

best of babb, 13 year old crack addicts

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Comments 2

no_romana_no May 22 2008, 11:46:45 UTC
Gah i'm laughing so hard at that old entry of yours, pure genius!


rainylondonight May 22 2008, 13:33:05 UTC
I am glad to hear it ;)


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