
Nov 06, 2006 00:37

I was once again inspired to write this from an essay I read on the subject (one of those 'damn, they got there before me' kind of things)...

This Is The Property Of The Half-Blood Prince )

severus snape, hp, albus dumbledore, hbp

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Comments 9

shishmish November 5 2006, 17:41:42 UTC
Hell, I'm sure most events in the 6th and even in previous ones have been set ups by Dumbledore and Snape.

May I join in your crusade? *brings out coconuts for Monty Python style crusade*


rainylondonight November 6 2006, 04:09:15 UTC
Aye. When you look at the extensiveness of it all, you realise just how deep their relationship must be. If anyone is Dumbledore's right hand man...


rainylondonight November 6 2006, 04:28:58 UTC
I have to add though - in this particular incident I'm not sure if it was Dumbledore and Snape's doing. I don't see Dumbledore accepting such dark magic even when it will ultimately benefit Harry. I also like the idea of Snape having a little plan of his own, without anyones knowledge. Makes him seem a whole lot more Slytherin to me & we all know he is capable enough to hold his own.


theambertrap November 5 2006, 20:43:22 UTC
You know, i'd never thought about that.

Doi. Heh. I'm too lazy to do my own thinking, apparently. I let other people do it for me ;)


rainylondonight November 6 2006, 03:54:16 UTC
And I like making people think - we have a good partnership going on here ;)


toast_is_lovely November 7 2006, 04:27:04 UTC
my greatest fear is that these things won't be answered, and that rowling has not actually thought it out on the indepth lines that you have. Perhaps she found nothing suspicious about the fact that snape lef this old book lying around. Well, i hope not.


rainylondonight November 7 2006, 14:52:47 UTC
Heh, oh it's gotten way past what J.K. Rowling will tell us... I make up my own canon at this stage ;)


lemouse November 7 2006, 12:42:41 UTC
hold on a second.. i know i'm not much of an authority on the sixth book seeing as i despised it and only read it twice, but...

i was under the impression that Harry was still really shit at Potions. sure, he had access to Snape's book and thus used all the shortcuts, but my impression was that he didn't really learn from it, so much as copy it and use it to his own advantage. It only appeared to Slughorn and everyone else (except Hermione) that Harry knew what he was doing. I'm just contending the statement that Harry was an ace at Potions at all even with Snape's indirect help.

Of course your point might be that Snape *intended* for Hary to learn, and its harry's own damn fault he was too busy being King of the Class to care... in which case i conceed. :)


rainylondonight November 7 2006, 13:36:52 UTC
You're more of an authority than me then - I've read it once.

Of course I meant it in the context of 'take book away - back to shit-at-potions Harry'. But the fact of the matter is, like you prompted, Snape had the intention of teaching Harry remedial potions without teaching Harry remedial potions if you catch my drift. But I do argue that he was an ace at Potions - whether or not that was his own doing it doesn't matter... he did still ace the class. It may have been Snape's intention for Harry to actually retain the information in his book, but ultimately it's up to Harry whether or not he uses it to his advantage. And my guess is that now he "hates Snape as much as he hates Voldemort" - he probably wont.


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