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Comments 120

mint_and_mocha November 30 2008, 20:55:34 UTC
I know that back when you made your Capital Scandal pimp!vid I said I was going to watch this...

...but somehow this post makes me want to watch it impossibly more!

Those. suits. What is that abomination of plaid!?!? FLORAL HAT!?


darkeyedwolf November 30 2008, 20:58:58 UTC
FLORAL HAT. Personally, I love the hat ribbons. I seem a remember a scene with badass, guntoting Wan striking fear into the hearts of mortals... under a pink bow.


mint_and_mocha November 30 2008, 21:10:47 UTC
...under a pink bow.

The man's got confidence? Or maybe he's colorblind?

Striking fear in a terrible outfit seems to be what is going on in your icon as well.

Are you going to link your vid from the post?


darkeyedwolf November 30 2008, 21:15:37 UTC
Are you daring to suggest Shingo is anything other than a love machine?

Are you going to link your vid from the post?

Oh god no. It's so bad. XD


pipichan November 30 2008, 21:47:41 UTC
ep 1 was interesting. The only reason I'm not getting to the second one is I have to dl it in split files (and torrent is out of seeds) :(


darkeyedwolf November 30 2008, 21:59:40 UTC
The files at jdramas aren't split? :D


pipichan November 30 2008, 22:25:22 UTC
yes your right! must've mixed it up with some other dramas :P will watch some soon

btw do you watch house and happen to know where can I dl from s1? (torrent files are conveniently dead on mininova,,,)


darkeyedwolf November 30 2008, 22:29:06 UTC
Have you tried the House episodes comm? (I've been banned from there or else I'd hunt down links for you. XD)


aliaspiral November 30 2008, 22:05:47 UTC
Someone actually pimped this to me a few days ago, and all it took was "she makes him strip at gunpoint!" for me to yell, "SOLD!"

I loved seeing pics of it, now i have to go locate and download and add it to the ever increasing list of stuff to watch!


darkeyedwolf November 30 2008, 22:12:25 UTC
I can tell that's the favorite part of a lot of people. XDD It's at jdramas if you're a member!


aliaspiral November 30 2008, 23:08:40 UTC
How would i survive without jdramas? that and silentregrets are where I find most everything. mmmm, DRAMAS. *pets them lovingly*


darkeyedwolf December 1 2008, 08:51:39 UTC
What did we do with our lives before dramas? Were we productive members of society?? :O


biases November 30 2008, 22:39:28 UTC
Oh, this looks fantastic, but I know I'll cry forever if it doesn't end with Wan and Ma Ja consummating their ~*~revolutionary~*~ love.

SPOIL ME: do either of them die? I'm too easily traumatised to watch it all if it has a sad ending.


*****SPOILERS***** darkeyedwolf December 1 2008, 08:25:07 UTC
They live! It's a happy ending. :D Never thought you'd see that in a kdrama, huh?


guingel November 30 2008, 23:02:24 UTC
I haven't gotten to watch your vid yet, but this does look like something I'd like. The fact that it's in the 30s is a big, big selling point for me. I'm going to have to research the period in history. ^_^ It looks interesting and you say it doesn't devolve into melodrama. . . I'm still not so into Korean actors, though, appearance-wise.

Also, on the subject of Nagase on Okada's shoulders. :D


darkeyedwolf December 1 2008, 08:32:00 UTC
Hee, I'm always struck with curiosity after period stuff. "Did they really throw gay people out of windows... ?" Everything I know of history I learned in a wikipedia frenzy after watching historical drama and Mel Gibson war movies.

Re: the Korean hottie you've yet to discover, give it time, you still haven't seen him with his shirt off.

*clicks link* *dies*


guingel December 1 2008, 14:19:02 UTC
XD People always seem to think I'm really knowledgeable about stuff, but it's alllll wikipedia.

Anyway, I downloaded the first five episodes or so while I was at home on speedy internet (not that I ever got around to watching all the Kamen Rider I downloaded - i wasn't watching dramas and then when I got back into a drama mood I'm sucked in by Jotei and Zettai Kareshi and re-watching old favorites, and in addition to Capital Scandal I dled a bunch of Big Money, finally) so we'll see! I just find, hottie-wise, that they all have these sort of soft, perfect features that I find a bit boring. Attractive, but not sexy to me. (Also I HATE to say this but they all seem to look very, very similar. D:)

I posted more in the ol' LJ. !!!


darkeyedwolf December 1 2008, 14:45:24 UTC
Also I HATE to say this but they all seem to look very, very similar.

No, they don't. You're just not used to them. XD I hate when people say that -- like they could tell Japanese boybands apart on first glance, either.


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