Title: All The Ways I Never Knew You
rainjewelRating: NC-17
Fandom: Green Day; Billie Joe, Tré/Mike
Disclaimer: I. Am. Making. This. Shit. Up.
Summary: Part II. Billie Joe deals with being the third wheel. Tré and Mike make humpies. VERY LONG. No, seriously.
Note: Tons of love to
dragonstarlin for doing the beta work. *loves*
Part I.
:: )
Comments 4
OMG run from crazed Billie!
The porn, oh the porn, sweet fucking christ that was hot and sweet and perfect.
I keep trying to muster something intelligent, but brain is tired from the technicolor cuteness/hawtness of your story.
*panics* What happens? Will Mike and Tre' be happy? Is Billie Joe going to come to grips with his issues? GAHHHHH! *Beats. Head. On. Desk.*
*scrolls back up to M/T breakfast...down to porn...is happy*
thanks dahlin'
I appreciate how believable this fic is. Well, as believable as the Green Day drama/fuckfest can get. It is amazing and took my slow ass like an hour to read. So worth it.
To snag a quote: "Marry me."
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