Feb 25, 2007 10:03
You know... Some people jump to conclusions real fast.
And I'm going to post this here so that everybody can see this, misinterpret it, and then bitch at me. Because that's what people do.
I'm anti-social. EVERYBODY fucking knows this. I've been anti-social for as long as I can remember. I hate people. People as a whole. Too many people. I also hate them because they're always waaaay more energetic than I am. I read books. I write. I have NO FUCKING PROBLEM not saying a word all day and sitting in front of the computer, in my own little world. I happen to like my own little world. But sometimes I get lonely. And it's a good feeling when, when I finally come out of my people-in-general-hating bubble, I have understanding friends who are all like "yay! she's out of her bubble! lets hang out while we still can!" My friends and Thad's friends and OUR friends are used to me being anti-social (at least I hope they are). So said friends usually ride the waves until I come to, and then they dive in. No problem there. Never was a problem.
But heaven-forbid if my husband does it.
First of all, the reason he said no. (Tammy and Rob, you really want to read this)
Sundays are laundry days. We have to get up at 9AM, attempt to wake ourselves up, separate the laundry, and be out of the house at 10AM. Why? Because we do laundry at Thad's parents. We can't afford a laundromat, and Thad's parents let us do laundry for free. Now. First thing's first, I don't like going there, every week. Not that I don't like his parents, but for somebody anti-social, every week is just... too much parents-in-law for me. And second, one of them has to get up at 2AM for work, thusly resulting in going to be early. I normally don't finish laundry until 4PM. Then we go grocery shopping.
And his bullshit excuse about spending all day cleaning the house? Yeah. It's not bullshit. My MOTHER is coming to visit. This place needs to be fucking spotless. My mum is military. You don't know what spotless is until you scrub the floor with your toothbrush (though I've never done that, most of you have heard the horror stories of when I lived with my mum and how uber strict she is. And a clean-freak. Ohhh, the clean-freakedness.... *shudders*). And have any of you fucking seen this appartment? I mean REALLY seen it? Yeah. Nevermind a day of fucking cleaning, it'll take me two full weeks.
Now. For those of you who TRULY know Thad, or claim you do, or are SUPPOSED to, what with being 'best friends' or 'siblings' and all... You SHOULD know that he spends all day sleeping. I'd even call at 2PM and he'd be JUST getting out of bed. But then again, he probably went to bed at 5AM. But you know what? Back then, he didn't have a wife who gets up naturally at 8-9AM. I don't let him sleep until 2PM. I don't even let him sleep past 10AM. You know why? Saturdays I have to be at Wonderworld at 11AM, and Sundays we have laundry. Every other day of the week, Thad needs his 'beauty' sleep to be able to work at 7AM until 4:45PM. STANDING all day. That might be fine for the party-animals, but Thad likes his sleep.
Now here's where Tammy and Rob should REALLY pay attention.
I FORCED him to call and say no. Yes. FORCED HIM. You know why? Because he was just going to stand you guys up. That's right. He was determined on a no, and wasn't going to let you guys know. So I yelled at him and told him how crappy of a friend he is. Told him that, after getting directions from Rob to his house with a confirmed yes, the least he could do was fucking call and tell you guys that he changed his mind, that he really didn't want to go bowling to begin with, birthday gift or not. He felt pressured with all your calls and text-messaging, and then ACTUALLY COMING TO WONDERWORLD. I FORCED him to at least let you guys know. Because he had shut off his phone and everything. Wanted nothing to do with bowling, nothing to do with the million calls of bitching and complaining that he was convinced were headed his way. Then i told him he was a crappy friend, and should at least call and say no. That way, yes, he might get an earful by Tammy when he goes to work, but it won't be as bad as if he had not called at all. You can thank me for that if you want.
Do you really know what he wants for his birthday? He wants Best Buy money. Best Buy money so he can afford his fucking Wii or X-Box 360, or whatever the hell system the Zelda is on, of which you all keep pestering him that he ABSOLUTELY must play. Yeah, well without a money-making wife, he's paying for everything, and can't afford to fucking play Zelda because he can't afford the fucking system. Know what else he would like? Getting his new bowling ball DRILLED. So that, in the long run, he can play more. He doesn't want a FORCED early birthday gift on him. Not unless it's something he wants or would like. At the moment of all the calls, he was playing in his StarWars RP. He didn't want to go bowling, birthday gift or not.
So whatever. You guys have a problem with HIM. Not me. And when you do have a problem with him, STOP ASSUMING the reasoning for his excuses. Thad does that all the time, and it pisses me off. If he's become too anti-social for you guys SO FUCKING WHAT! Ride the goddamned waves like you do with me, and when he decides to be social, dive in. And if that causes a problem for you, then stop bitching about it, cut all ties with him if that's what you really want, drop the goddamned fucking subject, and move on with your lives.
I don't care if what you wrote in your journal was legitimate because it's your fucking journal and you can write what you want in it. You have to remember that because I'm always online, Thad never is. Thad will never see your post unless I show him. And you happen to be bitching about my husband. How the hell do you think I'm supposed to feel about that. Neutral or not, it caused at least a little twitch.
Now you guys are probably going to hate me for this, because oh-emm-gee Susan actually surfaced her little bubble to argue or complain or whatever you guys are going to assume and misinterpret on this too, but whatever. Bring it on.
Because in the end, deep down inside, I don't care. I won't be the one to cut friendships. I won't be the one talking behind your backs. I'm not like that. I still consider you friends. I have no problems with you. I just have a problem with you having a problem with my husband, and not cracking into HIS skull forcefully, like you should be doing. Because no matter how many times I yell at him, it goes through one ear and out the other.
And if I truly didn't care, I wouldn't have yelled at him about being a crappy friend and forcing him to call. So don't give me that bullshit either.
Let the misinterpretation and bitching posts begin.
P.S: No, I'm not mad. None of you have ever seen me mad. Trust me.