Jun 12, 2005 10:50
it must be really sad that your only fans are girls between the ages of 12 and 14.
Jun 12, 2005 01:30
Friends cut,
comment to be kept, and if i feel that you suck or something im taking you off anyways.
Jun 11, 2005 16:06
ya,fuck you guys.
except a certain few.
Jun 11, 2005 01:38
i am currantly at chris's house,its awesome here,hopefully we'll all get the courage to go kiaking tomorrow that would be fucking wonderful.
well all made a song outta "slyvan taut me how to reed" but i wanna change the name,its to lame,but ya,we's all just chillin.
Jun 07, 2005 17:20
damn woke up at 4:00, i knew it was going to happen again,but anywho,i need something to do with the rest of my day,anyonw wanna hang out give me a holla.
Jun 07, 2005 01:14
matt is finally moved over,today was hecktic,im still worried about keith,but yah,movies was,interesting.
Jun 04, 2005 05:03
right now current status:
3 glasses of dr.pepper
1 new englad metal hardcore dvd watched
2 sleeping friends in the room
1 crush
36 hours of no sleep
1 emotion
2 miles away from home.
Jun 03, 2005 13:06
i wrote a song today,i like the pull off part,its good,its called"sylvan learned me how to reed"
Jun 03, 2005 07:56
current status:
1 broken E-string
1 hellfest 2000 movie watched
2 episodes of spongebob
1 chariot song
1 curl up and die breakdown
1 conversation with kenny
15 hours of no sleep
2 cans of dr. pepper.
help me.