FIC: Behold! Us Wayward Monsters - Encore! Encore!

Sep 02, 2012 12:49

Title: Behold! Us Wayward Monsters - Encore! Encore!
Masterlist: I ( One, Two) | II ( One, Two) | III ( One, Two) | IV ( One, Two)

'Hey, stranger' )

fanfiction, pinto

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Comments 9

arcadii September 3 2012, 14:29:19 UTC
Enjoyed it very much and thank you for inviting me along for the journey!


rainbowstrlght October 24 2012, 16:58:24 UTC
Thank you so much for reading and letting me know what you thought along the way! ♥ I think you were pretty spot-on for most of it, and that was wonderfully rewarding. Thank you for having taken the time to do so. :)


tlakht September 4 2012, 01:10:29 UTC
This was magical. I'd say more, but I don't really feel that any other words will capture how I feel about this story as accurately. Thank you so much for sharing. ♥


rainbowstrlght October 24 2012, 17:00:18 UTC
Thank you so much for reading! ♥ 'Magical' is definitely a compliment. :)


(The comment has been removed)

rainbowstrlght October 24 2012, 17:02:39 UTC
That's a relief to hear! I mostly went off one of the Cirque reality shows, and just trying to empathize with what that would be like, so it was sort of a gamble. I'm glad it paid off and that you enjoyed the fic. (And how cool to attend a high school like that! Lucky you.)

Thank you for reading and commenting, especially when RPF isn't your usual fare. ♥


scienceblues September 5 2012, 18:34:48 UTC
HOLY SHEET, this is wonderful. Not sure how you did this, but like, the state of visual enchantment that the performers were all trying to get the audience into? Yeah, I got that with only words, okay. I'm not even a fan of the Cirque, and I was just absolutely drawn into this because it was so absorbing - the focus on their personal lives and how they revolved around the show didn't even detract from that, somehow, which made me happy too. Loved the Pinto scenes (because wow, all the crazy tension and built-up emotions were just delicious), and aww yeah, happy ending ftw! Even though it was bittersweet with the end of the tour - made me quite sad at that point, again because of how well you built the world of the show. ALL THE AWARDS for this.


rainbowstrlght October 24 2012, 17:08:14 UTC
(LJ might post this twice, sorry about that! Stupid LJ, grr, gargh.)

Thank you, darling! This comment is everything I wanted the reader to experience, and more, so thank you for sharing it with me. I was so fond of this story for the longest while, and knowing that someone else found it wonderful makes it all worth while in writing. :)

Thank you for reading and giving me ALL THE AWARDS. ♥ (And the ending was bittersweet, wasn't it? But I guess in my head they went on to do more shows with the Cirque, so Zach still got another circus.)


sangwin September 10 2012, 14:23:46 UTC
This was SO GOOD. I loved it. I loved the way you formatted the story with the acts and the encore - great touch. The imagery of Chris and Zach reaching for each other is so beautiful and perfect and well written. I also really like the metaphor with the trampoline - and Zach being caught off balance. So many great touches here. love love love. Great fic.


rainbowstrlght October 24 2012, 17:11:00 UTC
Eeeee, thank you. ♥ I have to confess, the part where they reach for each other was my first scene to imagine in the fic, and it's what made me write it. I'm glad you liked that part, too. :)

Thank you so much for reading and commenting - hopefully this is the gateway fic to other Pinto fics. :)


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