FIC: Behold! Us Wayward Monsters - Act III (Part One)

Sep 02, 2012 12:23

Title: Behold! Us Wayward Monsters - Act III (Part One)
Masterlist: I ( One, Two) | II ( One, Two) | III ( One, Two) | IV ( One, Two)

'Focus Zach, so you don’t drop my ass.' )

fanfiction, pinto

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Comments 1

arcadii September 3 2012, 04:43:14 UTC
I love this line . . . His eyes were bright-stained glass in the darkness, catching odd bits of light. I think it's the best description for anyone's eyes I've ever heard, but especially that intense blue of Chris'.

I'm probably way off base here, but I think Zach has abandonment issues and is afraid of attaching to a male because they never stay around - he's ok with casual, but nothing with commitment or that he's not in control of. His father died when he was very young and then mom kept trying to find a replacement, but could never find one with enough stick-um to stay put. He's made Joey his pseudo father figure because he's the only male in his life that's never left him (almost only counts in horseshoes). I'm sure it didn't help that his mother favored Joey, that's probably why Zach was such a little helion when he was younger, bad attention was better than no attention - I'm surprised Zach didn't kill someone in his bid for her to notice him ( ... )


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