Okay it's sunday already. From tomorrow onwards I'll be on my internship attachment for 6 weeks.
I have to work on saturday mornings too
Anyway, I'm kinda scared for it. Hope everything goes well!
Changed my header image and layout. They are all slight changes.
Ending off with 2 photos!
This is actually the back of my iPod classic. I took this photo weeks ago! So long ago that I actually don't use this iPod now and bought a iPod touch! Haahaha.
I did the same for my iPod touch too! Photos will be up in a few months time.
Yes, a few months time. I need to upload and blog about my scene tour dvd photos first!
P.S If you're wondering how I did it. I bought a transparent cover. Measured the iPod. Print the picture according to the measurements. Slot paper inside the cover! That's all.
Goodbye! It's 1.30am already T_T