Title: In Denial About Death
baka_tenshi Rating: R
Warnings: Character death, angst, character abuse, and beta'd.
Summary: For
kink meme. Klavier deals with the fact his brother has opted for an early death.
Author's Notes: I couldn't help it. As soon as I saw this prompt, I just had to fill it out from beginning to end. D:
Word Count: 622
In Denial About Death
Chapter Two
“I see,” he simply said. The woman turned around and had tears in her eyes.
Why is she crying? She shouldn’t be crying.
“’I see’?” The woman raised her voice. “Klavier, how could you say that? How could be so dismissive towards your brother? At least honor his last request.”
“But you see,” the blond man started as he turned around. He acted like he was back in the courtrooms but there was a certain truth the crying brunette before him was missing. “Kristoph is not to die until 20 years after he’s served his sentence.” He reached over to find a piece of paper - any paper, really, and held it up as though it was a contradictory piece of evidence against Detective Skye’s case.
“It’s hardly been six months.” He dramatically placed it down and pointed at her with a cool expression on his face.
“Don’t you remember, you glimmerous fop? They really pushed for his death to be sooner because of all the hell he caused! He’s probably one of the few killers out there that gets this sort of treatment!”
He retracted his hand and placed them on his hips. He continued the trial in his head.
“You’re wrong. That is not how our system works. Remember Dahlia Hawthorne? She caused more havoc than my brother and yet she died six years after she was handed the virtuous verdict of guilty! How do you explain that?”
“My God, Klavier! Ever heard of appeals? Your brother filed an appeal to be executed sooner! The only thing he ever requested for himself was for you to be there!”
By now she had taken off her coat and threw her large bag onto the ground, as the contents spilled out. As she gave him the explanation, he retracted his arm and placed the paper down.
He got angry.
He was angry.
“Shut up,” he said. “He would never ask for death sooner. You don’t know my brother like I do. He has honor. My parents raised us with honor and like hell will I let someone like you tell me he’d do something uncharacteristic.”
The woman backed up a little bit but slowly picked up her bag to look for something. The angered blond man kept an eye on her in case she was to bring out a weapon. Klavier Gavin was not a man to ever lay a finger on a woman, especially one of LA’s finest, but if he needed to defend himself - he was ready.
“I knew you were going to act like this, Klavier!” The woman said as she threw her items on the floor. Finally, she picked up her purse and shook everything out. Klavier was astonished at how much things a woman needed to carry with her everywhere. “I knew you were going to be irrational!” By now, tears of her own streamed down her face in a very unprofessional like manner.
She paused momentarily to try to stop herself from crying. Klavier felt horrible for raising his temper against this woman. He was about to reach for her but she moved her arm away as quickly as possible.
“Don’t touch me, Gavin,” she said in an almost threatening tone. She continued to look until finally she found a bunch of grey files. She tossed it to his face.
“Read that!” she yelled. “Read it! It’s the damned transcript to his appeal hearing! I don’t care if you don’t believe me! I’m used to it!” She continued to cry incessantly. Klavier never realized how much this affected her.
“I’m used to people not believing me! Just read the damned transcript!” she yelled again.
It seemed that Klavier didn’t have any other choice but to read it.
Chapter One -
Chapter Three