Title: A Thousand Wishes
baka_tenshiRating: G
Warnings: Unbeta'd.
Summary: For
kink meme. ♥ The real story behind why Edgeworth could fold a perfect paper crane.
Author's Notes:
Notes & references. A chapter a week it almost seems. Let's hope I keep it up. *knocks on wood* I know now where I'm going with this fanfic so yeah. It's been a while since I've been a kid anyway so I don't even remember if the teachers take kids to the bathroom. You may slap me if I'm wrong.
Words: 712
A Thousand Wishes
By LilyChan
Chapter Three
Miles looked dumbly at the sandwich, which was slowly melting in Phoenix’s hand until he realized what he was doing.
“I don’t want it. I said you could have it!” Miles said, now really annoyed. Phoenix just didn’t seem to ever listen to him! Phoenix looked genuinely worried but reluctantly took the sandwich back. Judging by the mess on his face, Phoenix had already ate his half. The other young boy must’ve made a face because Phoenix scrambled to wipe his face with his arm.
Things were quiet once again between the two when Phoenix spoke up.
“We should go to recess. The teachers will get worried about us.” Phoenix started as he tossed a leg over the seat. He faced the other and waited for him to make a move as well. Miles gave him another look because Phoenix placed his hand uncomfortably close to his.
He wants to hold hands? He thought but he nodded as he turned himself around. He grabbed his lunch bag and threw away the fresh food. He didn’t want this day to get any worse when he got home. His father would always comment on how Miles was just like him - never eating. Maybe it was meant to be a joke, but Miles never found it very funny. He knew his father worked hard to get him the freshest and best food and here he was, wasting it.
Phoenix just watched Miles as he threw away the trash and finally Miles had enough of his silence.
“Well, come on!” He didn’t mean to sound so angry but he did. Phoenix gave him a small smile and hopped off his seat. Miles rolled his eyes. He slightly winced at the light. “Ugh,” he whined. “I got to go to the bathroom real quick. Meet me out there,” Miles commanded. Phoenix just gave him a wider smile and nodded and even gave an army salute.
Phoenix is so weird, Miles thought as Phoenix stupidly marched out of the cafeteria. He made his way to the bathroom, all on his own because unlike the other students in his class, Miles knew where to go. He didn’t need teacher’s assistance to find the bathroom.
Once he found it, he entered the little boys room and went to the sink. He didn’t actually need to use the bathroom but he wanted to wash his face.
“That’s what good little boys do,” he remembered some lady saying to him. He remembered when he was very young, he had been crying. Miles didn’t even remember why he was crying but he was sure it was a good enough reason. The lady took him to the bathroom where there were lots of ladies, though, they didn’t seem to mind the younger boy at the time, and splashed water in his face. The sensation of the water felt good against his skin that it didn’t burn anymore.
“Now, hush,” she said gently and Miles eventually stopped. When he finally stopped, the lady gave him a really big smile. “There now. Wash your face after you cry,” she continued to say. “That’s what good little boys do.”
And so that’s what Miles Edgeworth was going to do. He turned the faucet on and as the water came pouring out, he cupped some up with his now bigger hands and splashed it against his face. He was surprised on how cold the water was but even though it was cold, it felt good. It made looking into the light easier. He cupped his hands once more and splashed the water into his face. Miles reached for the paper towels and wiped his face off the extra water. He knew he’d gotten some all over his shirt but it’ll dry.
It’s always hot here so it’ll dry quickly! Miles thought as he rubbed the paper towel across his face.
Soon he made his way out of the school building only to find that not only everyone was gone - but also it was raining.
“I hate this day,” Miles mumbled to himself as the rain soaked his clothes, hair, and shoes.
He heard the familiar voice of Miss Fukui and he turned to face her. She had an umbrella and looked generally amused. This only annoyed Miles further.
Chapter Two -
Chapter Four