I Can't Do It Alone [19/19]

Sep 10, 2010 08:15

Title: I Can't Do It Alone
Author: rainbombz
Rating: R, NC-17, something of that nature.
Warnings: Character death (before and after the start of the story), drugs use, language, sex, perversion of justice - a bit angsty, if you couldn't tell.
Length: ~1300, this part; ~27400, total.
Spoilers: We'll say the first series to be safe, but probably none.
Summary: All she knows is that she can't let Quinn go - not when she's certain that she's the only thing the Cheerio has to cling to.
A/N: This isn't where I meant to end this story at all. I'm really sorry for the sudden ending, and please know that there was more drama intended to come in this fic. It's just that finding the time has been really difficult, and at the rate things were going ICDIA was going to end up unfinished. And, in my opinion, that's worse than an abrupt ending like this one. In future, I might try to make a revised ending or sequel to wrap up the plot the way I wanted to. Until then, enjoy:

Today is just full of surprises, Rachel thinks when she first wakes up to find an unconscious blonde wrapped around her from behind, arms draped lazily but protectively across her bare stomach. The diva can’t supress her grin, rolling over in her lover’s arms and placing a loving but tentative kiss on Quinn’s lips. Hazel eyes snap open almost instantly, but soon flutter closed again as the girl sleepily lets herself be pulled into the kiss. As they pull apart, breathing heavily in the aftermath of what had easily been their hundredth kiss since Rachel had dragged them home, the starlet is again pleasantly surprised to find that Quinn’s face is nothing but a blissful smile without a hint of remorse or anger -for Rachel or for herself- about the previous night’s events.

“Hey you,” the brunette purrs, in the best sultry voice she can muster first thing in the morning - helped of course by the fact that the blonde now beneath her can whisk her breath away with little more than a look.

Said blonde smirks back, brushing a strand of stray hair behind the other girl’s ear. Her own voice, suitably seductive and husky with just the barest hint of tiredness, answers with a simple, “Hey,” and she wraps her arms around her lover’s neck pulling bruised lips back to her own.

Several minutes of languid kissing pass them by before Rachel finally gives Quinn’s chest a gentle push down onto the bed, sitting up so that she’s straddling the cheerleader’s hips in an, even if she does say it herself, incredibly sexy manner. She can’t miss Quinn’s eyes raking up and down over her nude form, her eyes almost becoming a chocolate brown as they darken at the sight before her. “Ready for round…?”

“I lost count at six,” Rachel admitted, but then shook her head. “It’s morning, Quinn. I think we need to talk.” Instantly, the singer watched walls build around her friend - the eyes just a moment before filled with emotion now veiled and secretive. Rachel’s face falls. She had hoped things would be different.

“Or we could just…” Quinn tries, a lecherous look back on her face as nimble fingers slowly trace their way down to damp curls.

“No,” Rachel argues, but the word sounds weak even in her own ears. Yes, her mind says. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Her refusal is obviously taken to be lacklustre by Quinn too as the blonde’s fingers continue on their path, a gentle stroke creating a quiver of anticipation. “No, Quinn,” Rachel reinforces, strongly this time. The girl beneath her has no intention of stopping. “Goddamnit Quinn, I said no!” She shoots up from the bed, wrapping her arms around her body defensively even though her companion has seen all that there is to see. She feels hurt, violated, used - but most of all, she feels so fucking turned on and she almost can’t bear to be standing on the other side of the room when there’s a body in her bed that can just make her feel so damn good.

On the bed, Quinn looks just as hurt that her advances have been rejected and she pulls the covers around herself with a scowl. “What’s your problem, Berry?”

“My problem?” Rachel almost shrieks, until she remembers that her dads are still home and reduces her voice to a harsh whisper. “Are you serious? My problem is that you won’t even talk to me! Do you think I’m just another one of your girls that you can just fob off with a quick fuck?” Quinn stays silent at the tirade, and that infuriates the brunette even further. She gives up on covering herself, gesticulating wildly with her next words, “Well, do you Quinn? Do you think so fucking little of me?” Tears sting at the teenager’s eyes, and she has to take a step back and turn away in an attempt to keep them under control. She cannot look at Quinn Fabray right now.

“No,” Quinn answers, her voice cracking slightly while her eyes brim with unshed tears. “No, I don’t Rachel, I swear I don’t.”

“Then why do you act like it?” The anger that had previously flared in Rachel Berry is gone - she is a lonely, scared little girl who just doesn’t know what to do. Without turning to face to the cheerleader again, the brunette can tell that she is crying or at the very least about to. She can’t deal with that.

“Do you know how scary this is for me, Rachel?” Quinn asks, gingerly getting out of bed. She is acutely aware of every aching muscle in her body after last night’s extensive workout. “Really, truly? You are everything to me. Everything that is pure, and innocent, and good in my life,” a sniffle breaks the thoughts that Quinn is finally voicing, but she forces herself to continue, “and so I need you to not be in my life. Because I can’t lose you - not how I lost Brittany, or how I drove Santana away…I-I just need you to know that it’s safer when you’re not with me.”

A deafening silence hangs over the room after the words are spoken, and Quinn could almost swear she hears a small sob from outside the door followed closely by the gentle thud of someone being elbowed covertly.

“I love you, Quinn, you know that?” The declaration is a shock to both girls, and Rachel turns at the same time as the cheerleader opens her mouth to speak. She shakes her head no. “I love you so much, and I don’t think I can envision my life without you in it. I’ve spent the last six months in your life and honestly? The only person who’s hurt me is you.” The blonde flinches, guilt overtaking her features and Rachel takes a step towards her, linking their fingers. “I love you, and I trust you. You won’t let me get hurt.”

“Rachel, I don’t know…” Quinn starts, but she is quickly interrupted.

“Do you love me?”

“Do you love me?” Rachel repeats patiently, looking at Quinn with nothing less than a plea in her eyes.

“I-I do. Of course I do.”

“Say it, please.” Rachel asks, almost begs. “I need to hear you say it.”

“Rachel Berry, I am so in love with you that sometimes - in fact, most of the time, it scares me. And I know that, no matter how hard I try, I won’t be able to keep myself away from you. Fuck, I don’t think I can keep you away from me.” Both girls shared a smirk at this. “I know I don’t have the right to ask you this, Rachel, I know that. But I would really, really like,” she takes a breath and can hear nothing but the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears, “for you to be my girlfriend. What do you think?”

The singer thinks that words won’t do her answer justice, so she crashes their lips together with a ferocity and passion that just wasn’t there before even in all the kisses they’d shared since leaving the club. She backs them up towards the bed, never once letting their lips stray from each other’s.

It isn’t long before the only sounds floating through the bedroom are ones that the new lovers make in the throes of passion, and Mr and Mr Berry share similar looks of discomfort from outside the bedroom door.

“Heard enough?” Sam asks, and his husband nods. “Me too.”
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