Advent challenge; fic 23.

Dec 26, 2011 00:15

Title: Rumour has it
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Sirius has lost Remus for good, and he doubts that even rumours will stop Tonks.
Characters/ Pairings: Remus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks
Prompt: Adele's 'Rumour has it.' Also mop_cat wanted a Remus/Sirius but im kinda failing on that front...
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: g
Word count: 388

Sirius watched in barely veiled contempt as Remus kissed a blushing Tonks under the mistletoe.
He hated her.
Of course, he didn’t really hate her. Not really. But she was kissing Remus. His Remus. And he couldn’t believe he was kissing her back.
She was half his age, for Merlin’s sake! Although he supposed that was only another incentive for Remus to stay with her. She was beautiful, intelligent, funny, charming and clumsy… she really was the perfect package for a man like Remus.
But Remus belonged to him. He had since they were young. And he’d spent years, years rotting in Azkaban, waiting for him. But he’d received nothing. Not a postcard, a letter, a birthday or Christmas present, and certainly not a visit. He understood though. What he didn’t understand was why, now that Remus knew he had been innocent, he didn’t come back to him.
They still kissed, occasionally. When Remus was drunk enough not to care if Sirius grabbed him and practically smashed their mouths together. But it wasn’t the same; it wasn’t right, going behind Tonks’ back like that.
After all, this wasn’t her fault. He’d gotten himself into this mess. But he couldn’t see a way out, not with Remus so smitten with her.
Sirius had heard the rumours though. And he knew that if he had, she would soon enough.
Because rumour had it that he didn’t love her anymore; rumour also had it that he was the one Remus was leaving her for.
Sirius only wished it were true. But, seeing them there, he knew it couldn’t be. Because Remus used to look at him that way. He used to hold his hand that way, wrap his fingers in his hair that way.
But now Sirius was alone, with nothing but rumours for company; rumours that Tonks would never believe, rumours that did nothing but give him false hope.
And false hope was the worst. He knew he shouldn’t believe, but still he was holding out, waiting for Remus to come back to him.
But he knew deep down that he never would. He would be a bachelor forever.
The ministry had taken everything from him; his life, his friends, his reputation. And now this clumsy pink haired auror had added the love of his life to that list, permanently.

character: sirius black, character: nymphadora tonks, advent challenge, genre: angst, genre: romance, character: remus lupin, fandom: harry potter

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