We are all sinners here

Aug 12, 2010 20:48

Tittle : We are all sinners here
Author: rain_sunsets
Rating/Genre: PG 
Summary: Its just so easy to be bad
Word count: 1020
Notes: Written for challenge #24 at heroes_contest


Flying higher than the sun

Nathan knew he could do great things. Everyone had always told him this; he was the one with ambition. Peter had his head in the clouds but Nathan could go above the clouds, he could touch the sun if he wanted to. It was clear he would get elected, he had never doubted himself. He left that to others; Peter wondering if he was good enough to help others, his mother for all her power second guessing her visions. What they didn’t understand was that no one could stop him; he was stronger than they could ever be. Even before his powers Nathan had been special better than the others, this power just made him more so.

He pushed off the ledge and soared into the clouds, racing past the birds as he went higher and higher. He liked to survey the world from the air, imagining it was all his, maybe some day it would be. All Nathan knew was that no one could bring him down.

Sloth- Adam

Watching the world burn

He was good once, ready to save the world, change the world, but eternity was a very long time and Adam tired of playing hero; in time he even grew bored of playing villain. He watched cities crumble and whole civilizations fall knowing he could save them, choosing not to. Adam wondered how many people had begged for his help over the centuries, it was so easy to stop caring. Claire still looked at him like he was a monster that would change in time, you cannot be a hero forever you cannot be much of anything.

Adam knew he would be around when the world ended, when people finally managed to tear each other apart for good. He knew he would watch and not do a thing to stop it.


When everything goes black

All she could feel was pain, pain and anger. It was so much easier to let the anger take over; let it run through her veins. How could she feel anything else? Niki had all the other emotions; it was all she was left with. Jessica knew where she came from. Rage made her, nourished her, why shouldn’t she embrace it? It was better than being empty.

There’s calm for a minute when she takes over. Feeling Niki leave for a while it’s peaceful in her head; quiet. Then she opens her eyes and Linderman’s thugs are standing around her smirking. If only they knew better. The darkness takes over and there’s blood and screaming and someone laughing and Jessica realises it’s her. Niki thinks Jessica is the darkness and she’s wrong. It’s just inside her, building up like a hurricane; the only difference between them is that she’s stopped fighting it.

Greed - Peter

This endless need

It wasn’t selfish to want more powers, Peter told himself. He could do good with it; he was doing good with it. No one got hurt when he took their power, it wasn’t like Sylar. He didn’t know how many to take though, at first it was accidently any special he came in contact with. Then he became more calculated, finding specific people getting the powers he wanted. He only wanted them to help people though it couldn’t be bad. Once he had enough to defeat Sylar he would stop simple. But it wasn’t, he liked having the powers and wanted more.

Peter tried to control himself, staying away from specials but there was the craving. An eternal longing that wouldn’t go away. He wasn’t sure how many powers it would take for it to go away but he needed to find out. After all it wasn’t like he was hurting anyone.


An empty girl

Good company agents weren’t meant to have emotions, you couldn’t let feelings get in the way. The problem was Elle felt everything, nothing could satisfy her need. She didn’t want it, she needed it. Elle had lost count of the men by now; it was the feeling that she remembered. Those precious minutes when she was alive again, when everything might just be okay. It wasn’t enough though she couldn’t feel satisfied. She was a broken girl as her father kept telling her so should anyone be able to fix her.

All Elle wanted was for someone to want her, someone to love her. Why was that to much to ask? It was exciting; the feel of rough hands running along her thighs pulling her legs apart, in those few minutes Elle could convince herself they needed her as much as she needed them. Elle often wished she had Claire’s power instead of hers because then at least her heart would stop breaking.

Gluttony - Sylar

Of wanting and taking

Want, take, it was pretty easy to follow. Sylar had seen people do it all his life he’d never been able to until Brian Davis. Now it was as common to him as breathing. He took powers because he wanted them, because he could, because he was bored. He was making up for a lifetime of not having by having everything.

It amused him to watch others try and control themselves not give in, not be weak. Sylar knew it wasn’t weak though he was strong, stronger than all of them. He wanted the world and he would have it.

Envy- Claire

The greener grass

A normal life wasn’t much to want thought Claire. It was simple most people had them so why couldn’t she. Special, she was sick of being special nothing good came of it. She tried to help people but she only lost people along the way Zack, West everyone. Claire hated the girls her age, wanted their life’s their perfect families their petty little problems. She wanted to be them so much it hurt. People said she was lucky, what could they know. Lucky to never age, never feel, never have a life.

So she would show them all, show the world what she could do. Then maybe some one would be jealous of her for a change.

heroes fanfiction pg

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