Sat, 09:28: RT @ bgluckman: I can't believe people are still arguing about wearing masks. My mother died of COVID last Sunday. My father is going to fo…
Fri, 09:23: ..Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects. Ly…
Fri, 09:28: RT @ DrZoeHyde: Study of 37 asymptomatic #COVID19 cases & symptomatic controls. Asymptomatic cases: ➡ had liver and lung abnormalities; ➡ l…
Sun, 08:02: RT @ martinweigert: I put together a “little” list of things Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell got wrong, and I’m wondering: Why…
Thu, 06:36: RT @ sfsutcliffe: How many of our Scientists/advisors (OMT/RIVM) have ANY practical experience with outbreaks including Ebola & SARS? 🤔 #N…
Tue, 12:11: RT @ doctorow: "Reclaiming Work" is a brilliant, 7-minute documentary on delivery platform co-ops around the world, created by @ novaramedia:…
Tue, 12:12: RT @ doctorow: Delivery platforms like Grubhub and Deliveroo are parasitical, money-hemorrhaging dumpster fires that guts restaurateurs' mar…