Happy Belated Birthday Divya (:

Aug 07, 2010 16:58

I wish this post could have been better but I was on holiday and now I'm back, I've gotta catch up with everything else. Its immensely late but Happy Birthday to you Divya. You're just plain amazing and we've been friends for a short time but I'm really glad we are. You're fun to talk to and you are what you are. I swear I haven't met a more ( Read more... )

!icons, type: birthday post, !banners, about: divya, actress: sonam kapoor

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Comments 2

divya_g August 7 2010, 23:44:19 UTC
OMG Chandni!!! Thank you!

Thanks for the wishes and the birthday gifts!

I hope you get well soon!


raiinbowdreamz August 12 2010, 12:55:44 UTC
i'm just so glad you liked ♥

and thanks, feeling much better already!


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