a tiny bit late but Happy Diwali ;P

Nov 06, 2010 17:35

Hope you are all having an awesome Diwali w/ friends and family. I got mehndi done and it actually came out pretty good for once! Officially my favourite time of the year; the jalebis, the fireworks, the getting dressed up in your indian gear, meeting everyone is reason enough. It's bonfire night here in England too so it's like double the amount ( Read more... )

type: general all about: diwali

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Comments 3

srk_deewani89 November 8 2010, 01:37:12 UTC
Awww Happy Diwali Chandni! :D

Awww I wanted mehndi :( but we had no time, and ooh fireworks? :o I only got to see/do sparklers <3 and hehe what are your dogs names? :D


raiinbowdreamz November 20 2010, 00:09:08 UTC
My two dogs are called Pluto (I might have got a little bit inspired by Mickey Mouse/Disney) and Prince. One's a golden labrador, the other a german shepherd. They are just amazing. You know you get those people who are always talking about their pets till you're absolutly sick & tired hearing about them, well I'm one of those people ;)

(Sorry for the incredibly late response, been so busy with everything)


srk_deewani89 November 20 2010, 04:29:05 UTC
omg! I was going to name my dog that when and if I get one! Pluto <3 I think it's so perfect and ohhh they sound just adorable <3

Aww no probs Chandni :) Hope everything's okayy


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