And now for something completely different!

Mar 08, 2008 00:18

8 Random Things About Me:

1. I never fall. I trip and stumble a lot, but rarely make it to the ground. I also end up doing a lot of curious poses because of this.

2. I can’t naturally smile cutely. A natural Rai smile is all crooked and asshole-ey looking, even when I just intend to
smile, it comes out more of a
smile. But like with one corner of the mouth all turned up and Kururu looking.

3. I’m a dainty eater. I can’t stand to have things on my hands, so I cut up a lot of foods or consume them with untensils when normaly you would just pick them up to eat. I also eat really, really slow.

4. I don’t like to be touched. But I like cuddling with some of my friends. And I have a space bubble of about two feet.

5. I like making highly unphotographical faces. My favorite expressions are my “Ku~~~~kukukuku~~”, “RARGIAMNEUROLOOKINGDOWNATYOUANNOWIMMAEATYOUINNAFACE”, and my “Rahahahahaha Rai-san is here!!” faces. I also have a reeeeeaaaly long tongue.

6. I’m very beastly. I tend to express affection with light violence, I’m horridly territorial about my bedroom(nest), I have low blood pressure but a techy temper, and lazy as all hell sometimes. Strangely enough, I’m cold blooded and get cold really easilly.

7. When I don’t pay attention, I sing random made up songs, hum my own theme songs, or sing really, really off key. I also like really loud echoey spaces, so if I’m tired or stressed out enough, I’ll start singing really loudly in parking garages, enclosed spaces, or other echoey areas.

8. I’ll grow obsessively attatched to things, wear/use/have them around for a few months, then grow bored of them and forget about them over night. I also listen to songs on repeat when I find a new song I really like, but then make myself sick on it.

NINE Ways To Win My Heart

1. Put up with my stupidity.

2. Bubble tea. It makes me understand the pocky people a little.

3. Have a strong sense of self. Rai-san can be a fickle overbearing sonofabitch, but you shouldn’t let me win every battle. But you should also know which battles to pick.

4. Be into or tollerate some of the weird shit I get in to. It’s hard to hang with someone who doesn’t care/doesn’t like any of your hobbies.

5. Coddle me.

6. Be happy to see me.

7. Don’t be intimidated by me. Yes, I’ve done a lot of things, seen a lot of places, and have a lot of weird skills, but don’t compare yourself to me. I can’t be friends with someone who constantly has an inferiority complex, I’ve got enough baggage with just Rai strangeness.

8. Please to be the speaking of the Rai language.

9. Bring me stupid/cute/scary things. I love random crap~~

EIGHT Things I Want To Do Before I Die

1. Sing in a fucking HUUUUUUGE place (Like the Budokan) and rock the fucking house!

2. Get more awesome at the photography.

3. Travel places in Japan that aren’t the places I grew up in.

4. Be able to that thing that Takarano Arika does.

5. Go to Italy and eat gelato. Go to Germany and eat chocos. Go to England and have something that doesn’t taste like shit.

6. Have a house with different themed rooms of the rediculous and cute.

7. Stand up to my family.

8. Gets me a robot body to put my old decrepit brain into~~

SEVEN Ways To Annoy Me

1. Be a selfish SOB that doesn’t care about anyone but yourself. Selfish people I don’t mind because Rai is pretty goddamned selfish, but I hate people that expect the world to revolve around them.

2. Belittle the way I live. I’ll punch you inna face. Seriously.

3. Be fake towards me and talk behind my back. If you don’t like me, fine, just don’t try an steal me friends away, don’t try to turn everyone to ‘Your Side’, just stay away from me ^_^

4. “OMG You’re JAPANESE?! You don’t look it!!” I’ve heard it soooooo many times in my life that I don’t need to hear this anymore, kthxbai. I know I don’t look Japanese. I have hugeass stupid complex about it. Also it annoys me when people ignore me or my OTZ attmpts to be social until they learn I’m Japanese. If you wouldn’t give me the the time of day if I was American, French, or an Alien, why should being Japanese make you act any different?

5. Rude people. I cannot stand rude people. If you step on my friends, knock over their dolls, rip my costume, or are acting like a douch, please to be apologising before the leaving.

6. Talk about other people costantly when hanging out with Rai. I don’t mind people asking for advise or explaining other people to Rai, but you shouldn’t be hanging out with me if all you can talk or care about is other people.

7. People that rehash stuff that’s really obvious/stuff that everyone has heard before and pretend to have said something clever. I don’t care if your opinion isn’t very original or super creative, it’s better than acting super pretentious or saying things and pretending that you are an unique snowflake. How am I supposed to have a conversation with you if you just sound like you’re reading off of Hot Topic t-shirts?
SIX Things I Believe In

1. Rai-san. Id I don’t believe in me, who will?

2. That Ji-Mu will always have my most stupud expressions on camera -_-;

3. Brain memories being incorrect.

4. There’s hitsuzen, there’s guuzen, there’s touzen, and then there’s just making up your mind.


6. Music.

FIVE Things I am Afraid Of

1. My brain melting away and being able to feel it.

2. Leaving everything behind one day because I feel like moving, and regretting it.

3. Fucking up someone else’s life.

4. Pidgeons.

5. Losing an arm or fingers.

FOUR Favorite Items In My Room

1. Chrome D. (Mah new laptop~)

2. My manga collection~ (Is quite fucking huge!)

3. My dollies~~

4. My Nearbs finger puppets~

THREE Things I Do Everyday

1. Chew on the inside of my mouth.

2. Sing.

3. Stay up waaaaay too late.

TWO Things I Want To Do Right Now

1. Read doujins till my brain rots~~

2. Be done with making Suiginto >.<

ONE Person I Want to See Right Now

1. Emu. No one understands my crazy madscience like you do~~~~~

meem, rai

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