Title: Smallville by Sunlight
Challenge prompt: 15. " never seen a bluer sky" --
20_inkspots (Dark set--full table
here) with
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own them. But when they are not in costume, I own the boys in the pic. ;)
Warning: none.
Summary: Clark and Bruce go to Smallville to reunite Clark with his parents.
mithen's story is
here. ^o^
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
Lol. I actually put the wood patterns on the walls and columns of the hayloft, which ended up mostly desappearing...
In the image they are sitting under the moonlight.
A little close-up for the eyes and hairs of the boys. :)
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
A little change in lighting -- I imagine this as the one under the starlight.
Don't post/Tumblr/archive/hotlink/use the image.
A little bluer and uh, serene? It looks like more nocturnal (and a little uh, colder) for me.
Playing with the effects of colors was really interesting. :)
No picture or any part thereof may be used without my express consent.