Title: Proper Inscentive
red_rahlRating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Warnings: Innuendos of a sexual nature.
Disclaimer: This art is based on characters and situations and owned by JK Rowling and various publishers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Done for:
the_eros_affair, Cheque # 48 (Draco to Harry - I promise to wear your favourite cologne and nothing else).
Notes: Drawn in pencil, scanned, and inked/colored in Photoshop.
- Oh, this prompt kicked my ass from there to back again! I must have went through 15 or more story ideas before coming up with something I could live with. No burst of inspiration but my muses pulled through for me at the end.
- The coloring was done in gray scale because I was running out of time. *sweatdrop*
- Hopefully, I got all the typos out. A special shout out to Ru for catching that mistake for me! However, the title is not a typo (it was deliberately spelled that way).
Final Notes: Read in the traditional western comic style. This file is much bigger than what I usually post, so it may take a while to load. I hope everyone enjoys! *makes googly faces*