Prompts for me?

May 02, 2016 20:39

We got a fair amount of work done on the gazebo the last two weekends. My camera battery seems to have conked out, though, so I I need to replace it to take pictures ( Read more... )

seasonal spuffy, my boring life, writing

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Comments 38

cornerofmadness May 4 2016, 04:04:28 UTC
The friends thing is hard. I've moved enough to know how that goes.

wish I had a spuffy prompt for you. I've always been more action/adventure than shippy


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:30:40 UTC
Eh, I usually write 'em as an established relationship, so action adventure prompts are fine by me!


cornerofmadness May 5 2016, 03:35:30 UTC
hmmm let me think on it


the_moonmoth May 12 2016, 22:56:30 UTC
Ugh, making adult friends is the pits. When we moved over here, was useful for finding people with similar interests, but it still took time and a lot of energy and dead ends. You have my sympathy! Also, you still want prompts, or am i a bit late to that particular party?


rahirah May 13 2016, 14:08:45 UTC
Oh, god, no, if you have any prompts, serve 'em up!


the_moonmoth May 13 2016, 22:46:13 UTC
Most of the things that come to mind are seriously tropey, since that's the way I roll, so you've been warned! :D ( ... )


rahirah May 16 2016, 00:01:55 UTC
I already did S4 Buffy and Spike meeting their future selves, alas! I've occasionally thought about doing a story where Buffy and Spike get exposed to sex pollen and nobody notices because they don't act any differently. :D

I never have written any more of Dawn's wedding -- I know Buffy tries to take it over and fulfill all her Modern Bride fantasies vicariously (her inner seventeen-year-old is still a little disappointed that she never got to walk down the aisle covered in tulle and orange blossoms), and Dawn has to put her foot down, or at least resort to subterfuge to distract her. Hmm. That has possibilities. I will have to check my timeline and see when the Guardian takes the scythe and goes to make her deal with the Watchers. I don't think that's until much later, so maybe I could work the scythe in there somehow. :ponders:


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