And now for a word from our sponsor

Jul 24, 2014 18:25

Bill "Wallace" Thompson passed away on Wednesday. When I was a kid growing up in Phoenix in the 60s and 70s, it was the burning ambition of everyone I knew to go on the Wallace & Ladmo Show and get a Ladmo bag. (Heck, I'm old enough to remember the Toy Cottage, which predated Ladmo Bags.) I never got to go on the show or even to any of their ( Read more... )

tv, my boring life

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Comments 6

velvetwhip July 25 2014, 03:02:07 UTC
They seem like quite a kick. I am so sorry you never got to go see them live... and that now Wallace has passed away. *hugs you*



rahirah July 25 2014, 23:08:01 UTC
In retrospect I can see that it would have been very difficult for Mom to get us all down to the studio, but at the time, we thought ourselves very hard done by. :D


ljs July 25 2014, 10:08:41 UTC
I loved this post. Thanks, Barb.


rahirah July 25 2014, 23:08:16 UTC


rbfvid July 25 2014, 14:06:00 UTC
It's so sad, when part of your childhood passes away, but it's a beautiful way to honor their memory.
They are fabulous, and aunt Maud is my hero.


rahirah July 25 2014, 23:09:07 UTC
It's amazing how well many of their old skits hold up after all these years!


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