
Nov 19, 2009 14:16

They're fixing the door now, after much back and forthing and fetching more supplies because the boards are the wrong size and matching of exterior paint. I am uploading more stuff to AO3. (Note to gabrielleabelle: I just created Jonathan AND baby fic. Behold the awesome!)

It is interesting to note how many of my stories can be classified as both fluff and

ao3, fandom, fic discussion

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Comments 19

rebcake November 19 2009, 21:25:52 UTC
It is interesting to note how many of my stories can be classified as both fluff and horror...

That's what makes you so lovable!


rahirah November 19 2009, 22:37:01 UTC
Or possibly disturbing. *g*


nutmeg3 November 19 2009, 21:54:25 UTC
Totally unrelated... Have you by any chance gotten a package from me or a notice that you have to go sign for something at the PO?


rahirah November 19 2009, 22:03:48 UTC
Yes! I was planning on running over to get it today after the contractor left. Now I'm just hoping they finish before the post office closes. :P


nutmeg3 November 19 2009, 22:07:19 UTC
No worries. I was just worried it hadn't made it.


quinara November 19 2009, 22:03:48 UTC
I just created Jonathan AND baby fic. Behold the awesome!)

*beholds* Though, who was chatting about creating Clem? Because looking over my stuff I think I created him months ago... Not that I want my share of the pie or anything. ;D


rahirah November 19 2009, 22:05:47 UTC
I wonder if some characters get consolidated or renamed? I mean, Spike was "Spike AKA William the Bloody" there for awhile, and now he's just plain Spike.


quinara November 19 2009, 22:32:43 UTC
I think that might have been a group effort - I know back in the day I put up about two fics with that before going 'no, this is ridiculous' and putting Spike everywhere; I wouldn't be surprised if other people did the same. I would imagine once the uncommon tag overtakes the common tag in popularity they switch it around. (Which is why, at some point, I will start a campaign for NO SURNAMES ZOMG...)


rahirah November 19 2009, 22:36:28 UTC
I can kind of see the need for surnames in the case of multiple characters having the same name. After all, there are four or five fandoms with a "Spike" in them as a major character. But how many Buffys are there?


ljs November 19 2009, 22:05:49 UTC
Hurrah for your repaired door, and hurrah for your versatility. :-)



rahirah November 19 2009, 22:37:16 UTC


gabrielleabelle November 20 2009, 00:48:28 UTC

I need to write some drabbles with really obscure Buffy characters. Like Pat from Dead Man's Party.


angearia November 20 2009, 01:31:03 UTC
Pat/Empanadas PWP...


gabrielleabelle November 20 2009, 03:35:05 UTC
...I'm almost afraid that that's a challenge...


angearia November 20 2009, 03:39:03 UTC
Double dare ya.


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