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Jul 21, 2009 19:02

Remind me again why we have cats ( Read more... )

personal, fandom, btvs/ats, fic discussion

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Comments 11

shipperx July 22 2009, 02:13:01 UTC
Remind me again why we have cats?

Because you love small, crazy, only a tiny bit evil creatures?

And good luck on the interview!


wildrider July 22 2009, 03:36:02 UTC
shipperx July 22 2009, 03:42:14 UTC
Well, to a cat it's tiny... like a decapitated mole or a de-tailed lizard. (And they are a whole hell of a lot crazy).


cornerofmadness July 22 2009, 02:20:51 UTC
good luck on the interview

(my annoyance yesterday was more for my dial up which loathes DW far more than LJ for reasons I cant' even guess at)


slaymesoftly July 22 2009, 03:11:14 UTC
Managing well is not for everyone - there's a bit of an art to it. Unfortunately, in so many professions, that's the path for advancement. (excellent teachers are yanked out of the classroom to become administrators, even though they would be much more valuable to the school being paid the extra money and remaining in the classroom) Will cross my fingers for you anyway, cause - more money? yay!


kitmarlowescot2 July 22 2009, 04:18:32 UTC
Why do we have cats ? So they can eat up our money, throw up on stuff, and then sit in your lap purring for 12 hours a day. Or at least that is what mine do :) Cats at least are slightly cheaper and a bit less destructive than dogs can be. What did your cat do ? From the list, I am thinking one of them brought you a half dead mouse, or such. In this household it is Morgan the dog that does that. Oh what fun to step on a half eaten mouse that the dog dropped. And he was him that dead because he had blood on his white fur. Higgins and Lilith wouldn't know what to do with any vermin.
As for being a manager, my mother would say it's like being the mother of the office. It drove my mother crazy.


sillymagpie July 22 2009, 09:00:38 UTC
We have cats because we feel there isn't enough annoyance in our lives. Also, the purring.

Best of luck in having the best outcome for your interview. I'd like to hear definitively back on mine. Or win big in the lottery. I'm okay either way.


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