Corruption, Purity and Desire (6/14)

Feb 27, 2009 17:56

Title: Corruption, Purity and Desire
author: ragelikeafire
rating: pg-13
pairing: andy/miranda

Disclaimer: The Devil Wears Prada does not belong to me. No infringement intended to Lauren Weisberger and 20th Century Fox. All characters are purely fictional. Thanks to various crime fiction for the inspiration behind the dialogue.

Summary: Two and a half years after leaving Runway; Andy Sachs is now working as an investigative journalist for a New York newspaper. Miranda Priestly continues her reign as The New York Fashion Queen, but under the surface the cracks are beginning to form. The unfortunate events of one cold winter’s evening force them to face the unrelenting demon that hides in the shadows. When do you run and when do you stand your ground?

AN: I am feeling quite a sense of achievement with this chapter. I hope & pray that you enjoy it. Please comment…

AN2: Reviewed and edited (03 Jan 2011).

<1> <2> <3> <4>  <5>

Part six

“The tape, I want a copy of the tape.” Miranda stated and then waited for a reaction from Sharpe. Sharpe remained silent on the line so she continued. “I’m not asking for the original, just a copy. You and I both know that she needs something to bargain with here and if she hadn’t been unconscious and bleeding to death there is no way she would have handed it over without securing a copy. Let’s face it, your substantiated testimonies would be about zero right now without that tape.”

“It’s already in evidence Miranda. I can’t do that.” Sharpe reasoned.

“Now we both know that’s not true.” Miranda scoffed.

“Not without breaking a lot of rules.”

“Some rules were made to be broken.” She challenged. “I came to you because I thought you were reasonable”

“No Miranda” Sharpe sighed. “You came to me because you thought you could bend me to your will.”

“Very well Beatrice, if that how you want to play.” Miranda paused for a millisecond choosing her next words very carefully. “Andrea is caught up in something so deep that if she’s not careful it could swallow her whole. She is young and innocent, just at the start of her career. You remember what that was like, don’t you? You will obtain a copy of the tape and in return I give you my word that she will not run with the story. That is at least until the prosecution is ready. She will not jeopardise the case in anyway”

“Why the tape?” Sharpe questioned again.

“Simple. This is her insurance policy.”

“What does this journalist have over you Miranda?” Sharpe questioned suspiciously.

“It’s not about that. She…” Miranda stumbled with her words. “…It’s personal.”

“I’ll be in touch.” With that Sharpe released the call.

Miranda hadn’t even begun to open the flood gates yet and Sharpe knew this all to well. Miranda Priestly was not high on the list of America’s ‘Most Powerful Women’ for nothing. She knew that Miranda had simply given her a gentle push; the threat had been minimal compared to the arsenal that she could have released. District Attorney Sharpe would take the bruised ego and count herself lucky…this time.


Emily was pacing the floor with her cell phone pressed to her ear. She had moved to the break-room down the corridor, away from the officers and was talking in a loud whisper.

“I’ve got no bloody idea, it’s preposterous!” She hissed. “She has been here all night and it doesn’t look like she intends on leaving anytime soon, meanwhile who is stuck here running around like a blue arsed fly? Me! That’s who! God, it will be just my luck to catch MRSA or something equally as nasty!”

“Has she lost her mind?” Nigel bemused. “What on earth is she doing with that sorry excuse for a girl?”

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of stilettos as they echoed distinctively from the adjacent corridor. “Fuck, fuck, fuckety, fuck, fuck!”

Nigel rolled his eyes. “How articulate Red!”

“Shit she’s coming, gotta go Nigel” With that Emily end the call.

Miranda saw Emily frozen ridged as she turned the corner. “Well?” She asked impatiently.

Emily visibly shook her head as if willing herself out a fear-induced trance, stuttering as she found her grounding again. “I, I, I, I have located the parents. They are in Marbella. But they have gone on some excursion thing, so I have left instructions with their hotel for them to call me as soon as they return. ‘Proteggere’ have sent the two bodyguards as requested and they are waiting with the hospital security downstairs when you are ready. Nigel has confirmed that all plans for the party tonight are on schedule. Everything is running smoothly with no problems at the office, oh and here is the item you requested.” Emily reached into her pocket and held out an item to Miranda.

Miranda pursed her lips as she accepted the card pack wrapped in cellophane, which carried the hospital logo. “Very well, Emily you may leave now.” Emily’s was shocked at the sudden dismissal. “However…” Miranda continued, “this is on the condition that you are accompanied by a personal guard at all times. He is not to leave your side until I instruct otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Bu…” Emily was having problems forming complete words, never mind sentences. “But…but don’t you need me here?”

“I am perfectly capable of using a telephone Emily.”

“Of course I’m sorry Miranda” The English-rose beamed crimson red.

They began a slow walk back towards Andrea’s room as Miranda continued talking.

“Advise ‘Proteggere’ that we would like to keep the other guard on retainer, email his contact details to my BlackBerry® and I will expect him to be here waiting, if and when required.” She held up a finger. “Wait here one moment.” She instructed as they stood outside of Andrea’s room. The silver haired effigy breezed past into the room and reappeared seconds later with The Book in her hand. “You may attend the ball this evening after you have returned The Book, and I expect something palatable for my dinner, something that doesn’t belong at a vegan convention, unlike that muck you brought me at lunch. That’s all.”


Miranda was unrelenting at cards, she clearly didn’t believe in just letting people win, even if they were lying in a hospital bed. The younger woman had been receiving a serious ass-kicking for a good couple of hours, but as long as she could blame her losing streak on the medication, she knew the damage to her pride would stay minimal.

“What day is it?” Andy quizzed absently, as she studied her cards before discarding the queen of spades on the deck face up.

“Saturday.” Miranda answered before fanning out another winning hand out over the bed tray. “Gin.” She smirked

Andy shook her head, again. ‘How the hell was she doing this? Did she have cards hidden up her sleeves? “No, I mean what’s the date? Is it New Year’s eve? I wasn’t unconscious for like a week was I?”

“Yes, it is December 31st.” Miranda answered, not quite sure where she was going with this.

“Miranda?” Andy questioned. “What are you doing here? Isn’t it the infamous New Year’s ball tonight?”

Miranda performed a particularly dramatic eye roll and ran her hand through her hair.  “Well Andrea, it’s my new found addiction to vending machine coffee, we simply cannot be parted. Especially now that Emily has given me a bag of quarters to keep me topped up for the evening!” Miranda pursed her lips, trying to keep a straight face.

Andy countered with an equally effective eye roll. “Miranda Priestly you know exactly what I mean, what are you doing in this crusty hospital room, missing your ball, THE ball of the year?”

Miranda picked up the cards and began shuffling. “Do I really need to say it again?” Andy nodded. “Oh very well, I am here because I choose to be.” She huffed in mock irritation and went on to deal another hand. “Are you ready to be defeated again?”

Andy smiled watching Miranda deal the cards. “I had a ticket you know?” Andy said, catching the flash of surprise on Miranda’s face. “A fabulous dress and shoes, oh, they are amazing!  But…” She paused, making sure that she had Miranda’s attention. “To be honest, I’m really not that bothered about missing it now.”

“Why is that?” Miranda enquired. She had been allowing herself to imagine what could have happened if they had met again that night and was now very curious about her statement of disinterest.

Andy’s heart was beating fast as she thought about what she wanted and needed to say. She searched for every inch of courage she had and continued shyly. “Because, my only reason for going to that ball is here with me now.” She smiled sweetly at Miranda who in turn, gave her the most stunning smile she had ever seen. ‘God she is beautiful.’ Andy swooned hoping the anaemia would dull the deep shade of red she knew she had turned.

Miranda picked up her hand of cards and examined them, but Andy suddenly found that she was once again fighting drowsiness, yet another thing she could blame on the medication. She winced in pain as she attempted to stretch and yawn and caught Miranda wince in sympathy.

“Why don’t you rest?” Miranda suggested.  “I have some work to catch up on.” She explained as she put the cards back into their box and reached for recently delivered Book. It was time to prepare for the first airstrike of the night.

Andy watched Miranda root around in her bag for a suitable pen and relaxed into her pillow. “I’ll rest now, on one condition!” She played. Miranda silently implored her to explain, “That you wake me up before Midnight!”

“You are incorrigible!” Miranda smiled again, agreeing to the terms.


Miranda was deep in editorial mode when the shift change brought Nurse May back into the room, she was so focused she hadn’t heard the door click.

“Good Evening Ms. Priestly” the nurse spoke in hushed tones. Miranda returned the pleasantries as the nurse picked up the chart.

“How has the patient been today?” The nurse spoke to the paper as she and studied the day’s notations. “Hmmm, good. There’s been a considerable improvement on her stats.” She looked over at Miranda. “She certainly is a fighter.”

Miranda stood from the chair and spoke with hushed tones so as not to disturb the sleeping woman. “She couldn’t keep anything down today, should we be concerned?”

“Not overly, it’s quite common after surgery especially after the blood loss she’s experienced, I think we’ll try again shortly, but as long as she remains hydrated.” She pointed at the drip running into Andy’s arm. “Then she will be in the fine short term.”

“What progress should we expect to make in the next twenty four hours?” Miranda asked solemnly.

Andy stirred and peaked out of the corner of her eye “I can hear you talking about me. Nurse May, is she giving you the Spanish inquisition?”

“Andrea?” Miranda cut in. “I don’t make a habit of residing in hospital wards with trauma victims, I do not want to be blindsided. Quite frankly I’ve had enough unpleasant surprises to last me a lifetime.”

Andy bit her lip nervously after her scolding and looked down at the cover on the bed.

“Andrea?” Miranda called her name gently and Andy looked up into Miranda’s eyes. Upon seeing the playful smirk Andy quickly forgot her penitential thoughts and grinned widely.

Nurse May interrupted the stare-down by clearing her throat and answering Miranda’s question. “My next steps will be to get our patient to eat something. Then when the Doctor feels we are ready we’ll take the Foley out and get her up for a little walk. Once we get that out of the way, it should be pretty-smooth sailing. Best-case scenario is that we have you out of here in a few days. Worst case, it will be a couple of weeks. So, how about some chicken broth?”


With operation chicken broth successfully completed, Andy felt quite pleased with herself and she had convinced Miranda to change the card game. Her first suggestion of ‘Snap’ was rebutted with a particularly vicious eye roll but ‘Jacks, Two’s and Eight’s’ had been accepted without any drama.

The two women sat contently, matching wits in a comfortable silence with just the rhythm of the pulse oximeter beeping around them. They hadn’t even considered the time until the silence was interrupted by muffled cheers and whoops bouncing around the hospital.

The flashes illuminated the dimmed light and beautiful colours streamed into the room. They could feel the noise from the explosions vibrating on the furniture and through their bodies. Miranda stood and opened the blinds at the window so that Andrea could get a better view of the display from Time Square flying above the skyline. As Miranda turned around she could see that Andrea was not paying any attention to the Fireworks, she was watching her. As she stared back she caught each flash in the sky as it lit Andrea’s beautiful face, leaving a flutter in her heart.

Andy held out her hand appealing for her to come closer.

Miranda approached tentatively and placed her soft hand over Andrea’s palm, gently linked their fingers intimately.

“Happy new year, Andrea” Miranda spoke as she leaned down to kiss her forehead. Just as she leaned in Andy moved to look up. The move left them nose to nose, centimetres apart. Andy could feel Miranda’s sweet breath against her lips. They looked into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity then Miranda closed the distance allowing their lips to brush together in a soft and tender kiss.

“Happy New Year, Miranda.” Andy whispered.

author: ragelikeafire, title: corruption purity and desire, all: fiction, pairing: andy/miranda, rating: pg-13

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