OK, maybe the patrol officer shouldn't have fired, BUT -
What kind of idiot parents lets their kids go out and throw rocks at armed guards? At 14 you'd think he'd have more common sense than that. That's about as bright as spitting on a cop at a traffic stop.
1.- Show me the statistics of trained cops or similarly-trained personnel killed by stone-throwing last year and I may start to believe you. Until then, I'll keep on thinking shooting a 15-year old in the head for throwing stones across a river is excessive use of force, and unjustifiable.
2.- Just watch the footage of the murder, please. Anything a 15-year old can throw across that distance isn't a potentially deadly weapon by any stretch of the imagination.
3.- So you'd shoot a 15-year old in the head for throwing a stone at you, then?
So you'd shoot a 15-year old in the head for throwing a stone at you, then?
If someone engaged me with rock throwing and I had a firearm I would engage him with the firearm. Only an incredibly-skilled marksman with a very precise weapon could actually target a body part at such a distance and under such circumstances.
Plus, you're ignoring the international aspect of this. The rocks were being flung across the border, which made the crime more heinous.
Nice way to ignore the serious two-thirds of my comment. Shows awesome debate skills. Now, to point out a little flaw in your argument...
So the distance is soooooo huuuuuuge that only a snipers-grade weapon fired by an expert marksman could guarantee a hit to a specific body part... Yet a 15-year old throwing a stone (by hand, no less) across the same distance is lethal force?
Please. At least try to remember what you were arguing for at the beginning of the discussion.
As for "the international aspect of this", in terms of heinousness assault with a deadly weapon very much trumps assault, whether across the border or not. And I'm being mild here and calling it "assault with a deadly weapon" instead of homicide.
Firearms, save very precise ones in the hands of expert marksmen, aren't as accurate as you imagine. Or as most people imagine. The average official shooter simply aims for "center of mass." I'd bet that the reason the kid got shot in the head was that the patrolman was aiming for the "center of mass," and the weapon kicked up from the recoil of the shots.
You keep giving partial responses which mean either you're attempting to derail like mad or just plain suck at reading comprehension.
I know about the accuracy of firearms, and how most trained armed personnel are instructed to aim for center of mass. My point is, firearms are still more accurate and far more lethal than a pitched stone, specially if it's a trained police officer vs. an untrained teenager. Hence your argument that the distance was too big for an accurate shot to be possible only reinforces the fact that (I'm going to use caps in case your inability to read is related to bad eytesight) A FUCKING STONE IS NOT A LETHAL WEAPON UNLESS THROWN AT POINT-BLANK RANGE WHICH WASN'T THE CASE HERE.
So, still a disproportionate response, still unjustified, still murder. Across an international border, no less.
P.S. Seriously, the shooting was caught on video. You should either watch the goddamn footage or admit you don't give a fuck about the facts.
I'll halfway agree with you. At 14, it's not entirely the parents' fault. It's not like he was a 7 year old.
It's only the parents' fault if they didn't teach their kid not to do stupid stuff in the first place. There's some basic things that all parents should teach their kids:
Don't go home with strangers. Don't pet stray dogs. Don't play on the railroad tracks. Don't throw rocks at people, especially if they have guns, and REALLY especially if they are on the other side of a border.
If he knew better and did it anyway, then it's all on him.
Jus throwing this out there...to see if I get you..if Natalee Holloway's mother, for example, had taught her daughter to not hang out with strangers in foreign countries, she'd be alive, and it's really Natalee/her mother's fault that she's missing/presumed dead, right?
Basically, I'm reading that you think this kid is partially responsible for being dead and that the rest of the blame goes to his parents? Yeah, I hope you or your kids never do anything wrong, and pay some serious consequences.
What kind of idiot parents lets their kids go out and throw rocks at armed guards? At 14 you'd think he'd have more common sense than that. That's about as bright as spitting on a cop at a traffic stop.
2.- Just watch the footage of the murder, please. Anything a 15-year old can throw across that distance isn't a potentially deadly weapon by any stretch of the imagination.
3.- So you'd shoot a 15-year old in the head for throwing a stone at you, then?
If someone engaged me with rock throwing and I had a firearm I would engage him with the firearm. Only an incredibly-skilled marksman with a very precise weapon could actually target a body part at such a distance and under such circumstances.
Plus, you're ignoring the international aspect of this. The rocks were being flung across the border, which made the crime more heinous.
So the distance is soooooo huuuuuuge that only a snipers-grade weapon fired by an expert marksman could guarantee a hit to a specific body part... Yet a 15-year old throwing a stone (by hand, no less) across the same distance is lethal force?
Please. At least try to remember what you were arguing for at the beginning of the discussion.
As for "the international aspect of this", in terms of heinousness assault with a deadly weapon very much trumps assault, whether across the border or not. And I'm being mild here and calling it "assault with a deadly weapon" instead of homicide.
I know about the accuracy of firearms, and how most trained armed personnel are instructed to aim for center of mass. My point is, firearms are still more accurate and far more lethal than a pitched stone, specially if it's a trained police officer vs. an untrained teenager. Hence your argument that the distance was too big for an accurate shot to be possible only reinforces the fact that (I'm going to use caps in case your inability to read is related to bad eytesight) A FUCKING STONE IS NOT A LETHAL WEAPON UNLESS THROWN AT POINT-BLANK RANGE WHICH WASN'T THE CASE HERE.
So, still a disproportionate response, still unjustified, still murder. Across an international border, no less.
P.S. Seriously, the shooting was caught on video. You should either watch the goddamn footage or admit you don't give a fuck about the facts.
It's only the parents' fault if they didn't teach their kid not to do stupid stuff in the first place. There's some basic things that all parents should teach their kids:
Don't go home with strangers.
Don't pet stray dogs.
Don't play on the railroad tracks.
Don't throw rocks at people, especially if they have guns, and REALLY especially if they are on the other side of a border.
If he knew better and did it anyway, then it's all on him.
Basically, I'm reading that you think this kid is partially responsible for being dead and that the rest of the blame goes to his parents? Yeah, I hope you or your kids never do anything wrong, and pay some serious consequences.
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