T:SCC Fic: The Crazy 88

Nov 11, 2008 09:15

Title: The Crazy 88

Rating: PG

Characters: Derek Reese and Kyle Reese

Summary: A couple of years after Judgment Day, Derek shares memories of before with Kyle.

Warnings/Spoilers: None

Word Count: 400

Disclaimer: Terminator and its characters are not mine in any way.  L  I’m just borrowing the characters for this story.

Author’s Note: My first T:SCC ( Read more... )

tscc fanfiction

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Comments 6

devilc November 13 2008, 05:59:31 UTC
You made me cry!

And what a movie to have picked for Derek to have thought was the bestest thing ever.

And how appropriate for them, too. Because they're kind of like the bride, taking on the T 888s even though the odds are crazy bad.

It also made me think of that scene in Reign of Fire when they tell the story of Star Wars.


rafikiven November 13 2008, 23:32:09 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! You know, I never thought of the connection of the name Crazy 88 to T888. What a happy accident.


missnyah November 13 2008, 10:34:17 UTC
hey nice work.It's funny to think of Derek getting nostalgic over such a violent movie when his life has just become so violent. I liked how after the bombs, the movies became stories again. And how at the end Kyle is still too young.


rafikiven November 13 2008, 23:35:36 UTC
Thank you! And when I decided to write this, I knew the movie had to be a violent one. Took me a bit to figure out which one to choose though.


sabaceanbabe November 13 2008, 14:17:57 UTC
This is such a great look at Derek and Kyle as boys and poor Derek, having to be the adult protector when he really is still a child himself. *sniffle*


rafikiven November 13 2008, 23:38:20 UTC
That seems to be a common theme with my writing, I think it's b/c my mothering instinct is on overdrive.

Thanks for reading!


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