In Meiner Seele [Eine Schlacht]

Nov 18, 2012 17:48

Title: In Meiner Seele [Eine Schlacht] || In My Soul [A Fight] (1/?)
Fandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing/Characters: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Raven Darkholme, Hank McCoy, Sebastian Shaw, others.
Rating: NC-17 
Content: Serial killer!AU
Word count: 1,844
Warnings: Detailed description of violence, abusive themes, mind-fuckery.
Summary: A non-powered ( Read more... )

fanfic, cherik, au

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Comments 3

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raffi November 18 2012, 18:51:01 UTC
Thank you:) Glad it worked for you.


luninosity November 20 2012, 16:42:57 UTC
I've had this open for ages, meaning to comment, and I kept just re-reading, instead! :-)

I'm not usually much of a second-person viewpoint fan--it often feels awkward to me--but I think it works really well here, bringing the interiority and the complexity of Charles's thoughts out. And I love the kind of dreamlike sense to it, how all this happens like vertigo, a hallucination, a swirl of emotion and physicality.

You, of all people, were always able to differentiate the ‘good’ and the ‘bad,’ the ‘black’ and ‘white’ of the world, why did your sense of justice falter on you now?

Gorgeous, my dear. :-)


raffi November 21 2012, 08:44:13 UTC
and I kept just re-reading, instead! :-)



I'm sorry, am I seeing this right? Oh sweet mother of god, I'm so- so- humbled! And feeling all warm and fuzzy and- it's worth re-reading! *flails*

You know, whenever I receive comments from you, I just smile, like, from ear to ear! :DDD Thank you for commenting and leaving your opinion, it means a lot to me.

As to the 2nd person POV- I had a couple of fics written in that perspective, I confess. But I only use it to achieve the closeness between Charles and the reader, make them see the events through his eyes, so to say. And I'm super glad that it worked for you!

Again, thank you, lovely ♥


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