1. Something I'll learn about you by looking at your LJ page for 13 seconds. That I can not speed-read icons, I swear your TF rare pairing icon said rape pairing...
2. Which color you remind me of. Blue
3. My first memory of you. Hearing this bouncy blond looking for a Wheeljack toy at Botcon and knowing that I had just seen one.
4. What Transformer you remind me of. Jazz
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you. What was you first TF pairing?
6. My favorite thing about you. Your brand of crazy is fun!
7. Give you a weird nickname. Writer of tsh awesome derp fic!
8. What's on the table beside me right now. Cheezburger(AKA the cat not the food)
Comments 10
Do me~
That I can not speed-read icons, I swear your TF rare pairing icon said rape pairing...
2. Which color you remind me of.
3. My first memory of you.
Hearing this bouncy blond looking for a Wheeljack toy at Botcon and knowing that I had just seen one.
4. What Transformer you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
What was you first TF pairing?
6. My favorite thing about you.
Your brand of crazy is fun!
7. Give you a weird nickname.
Writer of tsh awesome derp fic!
8. What's on the table beside me right now.
Cheezburger(AKA the cat not the food)
9. Challenge you to post this on your journal
You can has an Ironhide... (Can you tell I've been on lolcats?)
2. Which color you remind me of.
3. My first memory of you.
(Erg brain is dedz right now... And all I can think of is "Breakdon has NEEDS..." and giggle)
4. What Transformer you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
Who was the first Tf you liked?
6. My favorite thing about you.
That you brought a tf with you like I did that first time we met up
7. Give you a weird nickname.
That Cinibon Bombshell!
8. What's on the table beside me right now.
The TV remote
9. Challenge you to post this on your journal
Prowl! No, wait...
You have an icon for almost everything...
2. Which color you remind me of.
3. My first memory of you.
You gave me a button at Botcon!
4. What Transformer you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
Around how old are you? (I keep finding out everyone is younger than I thought...)
6. My favorite thing about you.
You seem to be crazy like me!
7. Give you a weird nickname.
Crazy Icon Lady!(Not quite the crazy cat lady at the end of the street...)
8. What's on the table beside me right now.
The cat again... I think she says 'Oh Hi's'
9. Challenge you to post this on your journal
@5: xD Nineteen as of August 29th.
@5 Yays for once someone NOT all jailbait... I worry about that a little
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