Yosh~ Despite how tempting drawing silly fanart sounds, I'm somewhat trying to focus on a particular important portfolio project. In the meantime, here's a few things that have been lying around~
Merci :>! J'avoue que ce sont des OCs auxquels je reste très attachée~. Normalement, 8 pages leur seront dédiées dans le prochain fanzine! Au fait, j'ai bien eu ton message et je te réponds asap :)
62 is from the ~special~ project I've been working on for the past few weeks, which is a comic as a CD jacket. It's about a houseparty. I don't feel like I've rounded the thing enough to be able to get started properly on it though, sob.
I don't think I would like Izaya that much if the anime didn't give him that girly manner of walking. Now Izaya twirling/busting a groove by himself has become an obsession though.
Comments 6
J'avoue que ce sont des OCs auxquels je reste très attachée~. Normalement, 8 pages leur seront dédiées dans le prochain fanzine! Au fait, j'ai bien eu ton message et je te réponds asap :)
Et puis le dessin d'Izaya rend vraiment très très bien! c'est tout à fait lui :D!
J'essaie de m'entraîner à les dessiner vu que je risque de les ressortir pour le fanzine.
J'avoue, j'aime la manière dont Izaya sautille .___. J'ai l'impression qu'il serait du genre à shake son booty tout seul.
Izaya makes me cringe in a somewhat good way. This is probably inherent to his character as well.
I don't think I would like Izaya that much if the anime didn't give him that girly manner of walking. Now Izaya twirling/busting a groove by himself has become an obsession though.
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