Гонконг. Как доехать до пляжа Clearwater Beach 1 и 2

Jun 20, 2013 15:35

Одно  из самых лучших мест  - это Clearwater bay  и  его пляжи
Как доехать: На метро доезжаете  до станции Diamond Hill, здесь же  садитесь  на автостанции, находящейся под моллом Plaza Hollywood  на  автобус  91( только  91 и  не надо садится  на всякие 91М  и тд ) и  едете около 50 минут до конечной остановки- Clear water beach #2. Пляж № 2  лучше чем  №1.
На обоих пляжах  есть все условия ( киоски,передевалки,души и тд), можно даже с палаткой  остановится, безопасно.

а здесь  на английском

The south Clearwater Bay Peninsula in the south-east corner of the New Territories is a relatively unspoiled area with hills, country parks and rugged coastline. Clearwater Bay First Beach and Clearwater Bay Second Beach separated by a short stretch of rocky coast are both popular beaches with good facilities in a sheltered bay overlooked by wooded hills and peaks and the southern end by Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club.

A short stretch of fine sand with good facilities including changing rooms, showers, toilets, raft and refreshment kiosk. Lifeguard service operates from March to November and the beach is protected by shark prevention net.

GETTING THERE - Bus 91 from Diamond Hill Bus Station (under Plaza Hollywood next to Diamond Hill MTR Station) terminates at Clearwater Bay Second Beach. Service frequency every 17 to 20 minutes. Journey time about 45 minutes. Bus stop Clearwater Bay First Beach is the stop before reaching the terminus at Clearwater Bay Second Beach. The two beaches are connected by footpath and steps which takes about 15 minutes to walk.
Green Minibus 103M from Tseung Kwan O MTR Station (every 13 to 20 minutes) also terminates at Clearwater Bay Second Beach. Journey time about 15 minutes.

Чуть позже  выложу  больше фоток  с  пляжа Clearwater beach.......

пляжи в Гонконге, Гонконг, море

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