Might just be the chance to watch lots of fanvids and call it "research." : )
Which begs the question, fellow fic writers (of any fandom) -- how do you realign with the characters? Do you ever feel like you need to take a step back and remember who you're writing about? Do you go back to cannon, to other fic, fanmixes--what inspires you?
For now, at
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Comments 18
This is a fandom I know nothing about!!
And your default icon makes me want to watch The Fall again. Haven't watched it since that Wednesday night I watched it with my 6yo (and posted on LJ about it, invisible post).
Also, The Fall is (obviously) made of awesome! I don't think I've seen it nearly enough times. : )
I don't think we have it here. Do tell! I am curious!!
I'm not sure how many times I've seen The Fall but I'm sure it's not enough times. I LOVE to see it on the big screen. *dreams*
It's the only DVD of all the DVDs I own that lives in my special drawer instead of on the shelf.
I've been meaning to watch Merlin, though. *pokes Netflix queue thoughtfully*
Merlin is very, very cute, and lots of fun. Season one a bit more so than season two. (season two has its moments, but it's a lot of me staring at my TV screen and saying "Writers, please stop trying to force other dynamics over Arthur/Merlin, okay? Please work with what works!") But, yes, it's a very cute show with a very active fandom, because it's just so much fun.
Also, I may or may not have read interesting things about Torchwood series 4 rumors. Have you heard anything about that?
Entries since June have gotten infrequent partly because I'm working six days a week and partly because I'm living in a cabin with no internet. NO INTERNET. But it is a cabin, so that's cool.
And you should totes skim my journal. I have no new fanfic but some of the entries are awesome. :p
I haven't read anything about Torchwood series 4. I'm not sure what they would do, considering they've killed everyone but Jack and Gwen... nothing against Jack and Gwen, but I feel that they don't have enough oomph to carry a show all by themselves.
But! Maybe they'll bring everyone back to life! More Tosh! (They never made enough use of Tosh.) More Owen! More Ianto! I like this idea! I feel it is extremely unlikely but who cares!
(Cabins are cool!)
I'll definitely take a new look at your journal.
Haha, um, I think the big scoop was that there will be a Torchwood series 4 at all--and that it's going to be aired on Starz. : P
I also like to read through some of my favorite fanfics.
I hadn't thought of vids before, but thats an excellent idead. *ponders*
Reading though fic is a really good idea. I think fanvids are a bit more shameless--I guess they're good for getting the tone of a ship, but they don't usually contain dialogue so it's nothing like going back to the original cannon. But, on the other hand, they're really fun!
I also create little soundtracks via grooveshark and will play them as I write. Fanvids are also helpful :)
Soundtracks sound like a great idea, too!
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