Jul 17, 2003 21:43

Let see.. now.. first off we must communicate to our readers that this is a joined update by Fi-chan & Andi-chan.
We woke up around 11ish and took showers.. breakfast.. and we were off!! Arriving around 6pm we entered the convention. The convention was arranged by the ritual cult called Mangakai dictated by the one and only Zimeon (but ofcourse the names have been altered for the convince of not being sued). Orientating around the sweaty con we checked out what to entertain ourselves with the upcoming three days..
This was what we found in order of apperience:
- COSPLAY!!!! ( YEAH dude!!(?)
- Doujinshi shopping!!!!!!!! Fi-chan spent hours and HOURS staring and drooling over Naruto DJ's and Andi-chan has now found a new interest.. and a quest.. Yay yaoi!!
- Buisnessman's stand.. Loads and loooooaaaads of things!!!! Things were found..
- Mario Go-karts!! Nostalgia!!!!
- Dance dance revolution (observation for future use)

*giggling* we fell asleep >_____Andi-chan is blushing
It was follwed by many hours of karaoke since Aya is the karaoke princess of Dôgakon.. ("Say’s who???" - Ceres)
Then it was off to dance dance revolution, trying to grasp the concept of jumping on a plastic carpet while looking at a scrolling arrows on a screen, LOL needless to say: we sucked ass (nye-he-he) this first attempt. -> Though we hade a blast!
Skipping merrily ("WTF? Since when do I skip???" - Ceres) over to the Video gaming part of the establishment where we kicked some bishies ass on Mario Go-cart big time XD... this is proof that good looks give you shit! House of the dead was entertaining as always, and Ceres-sama got back to her beloved hate-love-relationship to the game.
Then: (BAM BAM BAAAM) we ate Swedish "ugn’s pannkaka" which in direct translation is "Oven pancake"... XD sound’s delicious ne?
Changing from Ceres outfit, Andi-chan raced to Vampire Princess Miyu that "was" suppose to start at 3 pm. BUT it was running two hours late... big surprise Mangakai!! So we skipped it, now dripping wet (^_~ Wet-tee-shirt party!!), we karaoked Dir En Grey until Aya-chan lost her voice (To high pitched O_o;;)... DDR was up next. Kickass!! Aya forced everyone (and anyone) who danced to do Burning heat her new obsession (next to naruto of course ^_~)

After a while we headed for the cinemas, Hanna-chan had told us that the Ghibli-anime they were showing was about racoons ("Big, fat, stupid fucking racoons" - Andi-chan *evil grin*, "^^;;" - Aya-chan) so we got the fuck outta there and Ceres re-appeared for free-cosplaying dinner. After some more DDR our time had come: to be exposed to the flesh market. ("The fucking flesh market," - Ceres remarks)
(Ceres proceeds to explain what exactly she meant:
well, seen from my point of view.. this is what happened. All the cosplayers had to stand behind this "wall" while the audience was listening ^_~**.. OK, ok, I’ll be serious.. We were given a number by Nelson himself and one by one we had to walk up to the stage and present ourselves >__<;;!! I went second since I thought, Just get it over with and so I went, after the girl who cosplayed as one of the characters from Fushigi Yûgi (Watase production).. I carefully walked up to the god forsaken stage and never looking out on the audience I simply said I’m Ceres, from Ayashi No Ceres Showed my number 2 and I could see flashes going off in the area. People took my fucking picture!! Grr! Anyhow, then I went and stood besides the other girl. She was so nice so I felt safe watching Aya going on stage and stealing away the show by going on talking about her love for karaoke and almost giving the audience a PANTYSHOT!!! Well,, I should talk so much.. I was halfnude >_Sunday
Yay! We got a lift from Andi-chan’s parents again!!!
Aya-chan reappeared again.. unfortunately.. or.. fortunately Ceres discovered that she was NUDE so Andi-chan decided to put on her gothic gown instead.
Getting there around 10ish so Fi-chan could enter the drawing contest of the theme RAGE! Well.. Then.. we went for some DDR which to our surprise was not arranged.. so we went to the Video-game place where Aya-chan played Naruto! Andi-chan ate an apple.. YUM!

Aya-chan looking increadibly lost next to the boards with piccus ^^' And Ceres is as usually the incarnation of calm (note that her pictures are also there!!)

Then it was time! KARAOKE CONTEST!! It was so much fun!! Some were really good and it was a fun time watching ( Andi-chan’s comments are reserved for suing purposes.)
After that.. DDR time! After that.. Karaoke time in the loge.. then Andi-chan’s parents appeared and stayed for a couple of hours.. (Andi-chan tired of writing.. so let’s make this brief)
The auction was weird.. and neither Andi-chan nor Aya-chan won any prices which doesn’t really matter since we had a blast anyway ^____^!! ("Aya-chan was picked up by a ultra nerd!!!!!!!!" - Andi-chan, "Shut up!!!!" - Aya-chan *now proceeds to kick Andi-chan* XDD)

Anyhow! We left around 6pm.. got home.. ate.. for the first time in 3 days and up to Andi-chan’s room to search for doujinshi’s with Tôya and Yuuhi.. no one was found >_<

The day was spent in town!!
Stockholm - Sun ai and the old town! The everlasting search for bishis and we made couplings with a lot of the cute bishis we saw *^_^*!
Andi-chan found the fourth volume of Ceres; celestial legend for 12 dollars!!
Then we were off to Kista Gallery where we thought DDR was in the arcade.. we were wrong.. >_Tuesday
Early morning and Fili-chan had to go home crying.. at the airport at noon and a farewell.. A great weekend!! ^__^

Alone and bored.. bah.. Miss Andi-chan so much.. and the whole "gathering with many people and having fun everyday.." XD

Not for the weak/oneway minded

I recently read 177 of Naruto. And bwaahh… Sasuke is up for a though choice: to keep seeking revenge or to quit and take care of his precious people! And Yay!! They tapped into Kakashi a little, though I already guessed as much. About Obito, the guy who’s name was on the memorial, I mean (the one I believe was in his team and died... maybe even the guy who gave Kakashi his Sharingan? That’s what I read in a fanfiction at least, and well... who knows just yet besides Kishimoto and his team *shrugs*).
Anyway I couldn’t help to be disappointed that Iruka wasn’t Kakashi’s precious person ^^’’ hehe.. stupid fangirl ne? I mean: I know that they hardly know each other. Still... *drools* it would make a perfect pair. ^_^* at least they can still be fuckbuddies without straying from the manga XD *lmao* ...or well... maybe he finds Iruka later? Ehh.. riight.. nuff on that.
I hope there will be more about Naruto in the next at least! Yay! I wanna have some cute: ”ano-sa ano-sa, kyaa, what do you mean?! O-O;;” lol.. cute!!

sophomoric: fandom, sophomoric: convention, sophomoric: slash, sophomoric: 801, visual: manga, innovation: cosplay

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