Okay, my frustration and angst over my son's television watching is making our situation of dually having the flu even more stressful. I need to relax about it... I think
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I feel horrible on days Lydia watches more tv than I think is acceptable. However, when she is sick or I am sick tv is on. I know when I dont feel well I just one to veg in front of the tube and I can understand that she does too. She still gets plenty of play time during the day and I take her outside whenever possible so I feel that makes up for it.
I really understand your anxiety about it, but if he feels bad, let it go. Once he gets to feeling better you can get back to normal.
Thanks. Did Lydia go through a phase of being sick so much it seemed like TV kept creeping into daily life? Tell me she gets sick less now than at 1.5. Ack. :) Also, what do you think is acceptable tv time?
Actually, I think she gets sick more now, because she's around other kids a lot more! Sorry to say it :p
As far as acceptable tv time, well I dont know. I try to keep it off during the day, but she watches tv with Jeff a lot after he comes home-his ideas and mine are different when it comes to that. I let her watch a few shows I know she likes, or we might watch a movie during the day but again, I try and just keep it off unless one of us isnt feeling well. She has watched a hell of a lot more tv than I know the "experts" say is good for kids her age, but it hasnt been detrimental to her development. She's a smart kid, and I can say she has learnt some things from watching tv lol.
miles is in the room with us when we watch TV, but honestly it's not usually on when he's still awake, just by the nature of the shows we watch. he has a pretty regular bedtime of between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. even when the TV is on he doesn't pay attention to is 95% of the time. he generally plays with his toys on the floor in the LR or goes into his room and looks at his books (his room is actually a den and has french doors off the LR, so we just open those up and we can all see each other and keep an eye on him
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i know it seems more and more kids have tvs in their room! that's nutty. i never had that and i don't have one in my room now. i feel like it would disrupt my sleep to rest in the room where i also watch entertainment.
ah! i had another idea. maybe he's so fixated on it because it's rarely on? we have some nephews who are like that - they never watch tv, so when they ARE around tv they get totally sucked in, can't take their eyes off it, etc.
might sound lame, but i've seen it happen! the boys are now 4 and 2.
we haven't got cable, but the family has been interested in an anime show called Avatar, the last Airbender. Delia asks for it by name, and I actually resorted to using it as a negotiation tool tonight after bathtime when I was trying to cut her fingernails. I feel like a bad mama, but I have done my best to keep tv from being a regular event. She's up so late that it seems some days it's all I can do to flop on the couch exhausted, and turn an episode on. I'm not sure what will happen when we finish the season, I'm sure her energy will be fixated elsewhere...for now she is as obsessed as Finn sounds. To the point of tears.
"To the point of tears." I hate that. Sometimes I think my greatest asset as a mother is my sensitivity, which ironically I would also claim as my greatest weakness.
The don't recommend kids watch tv before two. But what they really don't think they should watch is what most adults watch. Sitcoms, violent movies, soap operas and things like that. They also say that all the flashing of one image to another can be hard for them. As long as you try to stay with him when you watch the shows so you can be involved with it as well. Talk about what is going on and what he sees and thinks of the show if possible. And if you are concerned about him watching too much tv make sure what he is watching is really good. Shows geared for a young toddler like Baby Einstein or Teletubbies are good.
Comments 9
I really understand your anxiety about it, but if he feels bad, let it go. Once he gets to feeling better you can get back to normal.
Thanks for your thoughts. It's helpful.
As far as acceptable tv time, well I dont know. I try to keep it off during the day, but she watches tv with Jeff a lot after he comes home-his ideas and mine are different when it comes to that. I let her watch a few shows I know she likes, or we might watch a movie during the day but again, I try and just keep it off unless one of us isnt feeling well. She has watched a hell of a lot more tv than I know the "experts" say is good for kids her age, but it hasnt been detrimental to her development. She's a smart kid, and I can say she has learnt some things from watching tv lol.
thanks for the perspective!
might sound lame, but i've seen it happen! the boys are now 4 and 2.
The don't recommend kids watch tv before two. But what they really don't think they should watch is what most adults watch. Sitcoms, violent movies, soap operas and things like that. They also say that all the flashing of one image to another can be hard for them. As long as you try to stay with him when you watch the shows so you can be involved with it as well. Talk about what is going on and what he sees and thinks of the show if possible. And if you are concerned about him watching too much tv make sure what he is watching is really good. Shows geared for a young toddler like Baby Einstein or Teletubbies are good.
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