So, I think it's rather crappy, which is why I'm not putting it up at
tpm100, though this week's challenge inspired it. Going to try for another, I think. But since I haven't really the time to work on the longer works, doing drabbles is becoming a nice side-hobby.
Okay, changed my mind. I like the concept, and I'll edit it up when I've the time. I've already got so many things I know I'm going to fine tune, mainly focusing on that Anakin's anger is a product of his fears. But for now, the rough cut.
(It's all Anakin's fault -- the way his mind twists. Never can get anything out right the first go through >_<)
Title: The Truth of Anger
Author: Curt Kenobi
Summary: Who are you angriest at, Anakin?
Rating: let's say PG. it's kind of heavy.
Disclaimer: O He of the Wooden Dialogue, The Great Flanneled One, I am only borrowing thy creations for fun, never profit.
It felt like drowning. One of his greatest fears, drowning. And here the fuel of his greatest powers felt exactly the same.
It had been building, steadily. From the first realisation that he wasn’t worth bantha shit, to this moment, the suffocating heat surrounding him incomparable to that he felt within.
He stared into the silver-blue eyes before him, the knowledge that a simple squeeze would extinguish that infuriating determination. Those lying, beautiful eyes would go dead.
Dull, sightless brown eyes, a moment before suffused with aching compassion.
He blinked. It was Obi-Wan’s fault, wasn’t it? That he’d lost so much.
Or was it his own?
You live the reality you focus upon, Padawan. I suspect that’s why you’ve come so far. Double-edged admission, but true.
Who are you angriest at, Anakin? The liar before you, though he doesn’t much seem like one, does he? Or the devil in you?