The skinny on a phat night with "the browncoats"...

Dec 10, 2006 01:44

Okay, there seems to be people wondering what is/was going on. Here's the long and short of it:

Being the spokesman behind the scholarship fund for BE CHARITABLES I was going to be involved with this Flanvention II Serenity/Firefly convention. I had planned on showing up on Sunday for a couple hours, talk about the charity, and then participate in the auction with the cast of Firefly.

I learned (a few weeks ago)that it had been posted online that this convention might fall apart. I googled the info to learn more and found myself at a secondary, supplemental website that basically served as a "just in case" website if Flanvention was really to be cancelled. I saved that page...JUST IN CASE.

I checked it last week once I was told the convention was back on. I checked it again this morning and learned the awful news that it had been cancelled the day the convention was supposed to start. I went to the "just in case" Browncoats backup website to see what was going on. I emailed the contact on that site and offered to show up and hang out with everyone who had shown up into town and had nothing to do. I didn't want them to leave empty-handed.

Now I know I'm no Tom Hanks or Brad Pitt but I thought the very least people should get to do is hang out with someone from t.v. before they flew back to their respective cities, states, and even countries (like Wales, Australia, etc.) I was emailed quickly with info as to where and when everyone might be having a drink at a bar. I showed up to mingle. I just felt so awful about what had happened and I felt some obligation to keep my promise of seeing everyone. It was just the right thing to do.

Much to my surprise, when I arrived, the wonderful cast members of Firefly were there hanging out with everyone. I thought I would be the only "token" celebrity people might see on their weekend and that certainly wouldn't have been worth flying out for. Everyone seemed to have a marvelous time, I did as well. Most people commented on how this situation turned out to be even better than the original convention idea. I ended up having so much fun talking with so many people that we basically closed down the bar. Thanks to all the awesome Firefly fans who were so much fun to hang with (and incidentally most were VMars fans too!).

We all made lemonade out of lemons. And they all lived happily ever after.
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