Before The Fall

Mar 22, 2017 15:50

Hello, people. I know I haven't posted in a while -- I just haven't felt like going to the trouble, especially because there are so few people left now to read it, let alone people who actually comment. But I finished a new poem, mainly inspired by the 5-year anniversary of my mom's death (this coming-up Monday), and I thought I might as well ( Read more... )

meds, family stuff, volunteering, she works hard for the money, adventures in therapy, addiction/recovery, hey look i wrote poetry, six feet under, writing, real life blathering

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Comments 4

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rachg82 March 24 2017, 18:59:20 UTC
Thanks, Kee.


crystalcazzie March 24 2017, 18:45:03 UTC
*hugs* I hope you're doing ok. Take care of yourself on Monday. *more hugs*

But well done with the poetry reading. Congratulations on making a woman cry! (You know what I mean...)

And that sounds like a really great place to volunteer. I hope it goes well for you.


rachg82 March 24 2017, 19:03:14 UTC
Thanks. Ignore my last comment, please - I was in a mood. PMS + the anniversary has had me really depressed since yesterday. But I do often feel like I have lost some of my talent.


crystalcazzie March 28 2017, 16:34:04 UTC
That's understandable, and I really do hope you start feeling better soon. *hugs again*

And at the risk of saying something you already know, I don't think you're in the right headspace to be making any judgements about your talents at the moment so you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.


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