Title: Oncoming Traffic
jadeddivaDisclaimer: None of this is mine, all of this is Nolan's.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rachel, Rachel/Harvey, Rachel/Bruce
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, other than spoilers for TDK.
Summary: Rachel Dawes reflects on Gotham and the two men in her lief
Author's Note: It's just a drabble, but it was written for
artic_fox with the prompt 'cityscape'. It may become something more one day, but for the time being, the world needs more Rachel Dawes fic (even if it's 300 words)
The window in her office overlooks the river. When she got this office, she told her old boss (now dead) that she would never get any work done. There are days when she still feels that way, nights when she’s here so late that she can’t help but follow the yellow and red blurs of cars on their way home. There’s a calming predictability to late night traffic which she enjoys more than she’ll ever admit.
There are briefs to read, motions to file, messages needing responses from Bruce on her voicemail and in her Inbox. She marks them Unread and they sit and stare at her, glaring reminders of her inability to be honest to him.
She loves him, in her own way, much like she loves Harvey but the two loves are different and similar at the same time. She loves them both for their love of Gotham and their devotion to making it better. She loves them because they’re unafraid; both of them, taking risks that seem uncalculated but are so very precise that the exactness scares her. She loves them both desperately, passionately, and trusts them more than either have a right to trust her.
It’s this love that makes her deceitful, allows her to keep leading Bruce on with a promise she never intended to make and never intends to keep. It’s one thing to be married to this city as a career; it’s another to be married as an obsession, and she’s not entirely sure the man knows the difference between the two.
Below her, the traffic moves in its continuous, reassuring pattern. Harvey, Bruce, Rachel. Whatever happens to them, the city keeps moving, propelled forward by its own momentum, dragging them along with it.