Appearances and such things

May 10, 2010 06:33

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, following Rachel's LJ is not enough. I need more ways to hear her talk about herself.

Well, you are in luck, my friend! A few upcoming dates for you:

Wednesday, May 19: Everything Under The Sun is released! Woohoo!
Monday, May 24: I will be the guest blogger at The Moody Muses. It'll be a Q&A type thing, my first-ever author interview. I'm quite excited.

Also, I'll be stopping by three themed chats, each a day long or longer:
Wednesday, May 26: New Release Party at Love Romances Cafe.
Memorial Day Weekend, May 28-31: Chat for m/m authors at Literary Nymphs.
Sunday, May 30: Dreamspinner's monthly chat at TalkingTwoLips.
Note: for these three events, you must have a Yahoo! account and join the appropriate group to attend.

Hope to see you all there! Have a great week!
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