suki da yo.

Mar 13, 2007 23:29

Name: sarah
Age: 21
Favorite Quote? Why does it have significance to you? I have a lot of favorite quotes and song lyrics that pretty much all relate back to one... "it's never to late to become who you might have been." -george eliot... this is significant to me because I always see people my age, or younger who have already done such great things with their lives, or whom are at least are on their way to doing what they want to do, and being who they want to be... but I feel like I'm not even close to that. I don't know where I want to go or what I want to do, and a lot of the time I feel like I'm wasting my time because I don't think I'm getting anywhere... but this quote always reassures me that it's never too late to do something with your life...
Likes: hockey, puppies and kitties (particularly my own, but by no means limited to), smoothies, playing frisbee, japanese, anime/manga, vegetarianism and animal rights stuff, film studies, photography, correcting grammar
Dislikes: meat, loud music, doing the dishes, being at school
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why? I'm not really supposed to have as much spare time as I do, but I'll do pretty much anything to procrastinate from doing school work... (like this survey)
Who do you look up to as a model for how to live your life? Why? I'm still looking for one... but if someone had to be my ideal, it would be my friend emily. she is the most generous and loving person I have ever met, and so much has happened to her over the past few months, and she's not letting it ruin her life. she's just moving on to new stages in her life, and I don't feel that I could do that as easily as she can... but someday, I wish I could
Your best quality? Why? I'm told that I'm very honest and that I'm a good listener...
Your worst? Why? I never make a real effort with anything... even though I know that if I did, I could do so much better, and things might actually turn out the way that I want them to
The world's not a perfect place. What would you want to change about it? Why? I think that modern technology has taken away from a lot of human relationships and the way in which people perceive the world... I think it's contaminated the post-modern era and covered up a great beauty that was seen like 100 years ago, but that people don't see in the world anymore
You're not perfect, either. What would you change about yourself? Why? see "worst quality" among countless other things
Do you believe in people? only a few... I have a hard time trusting people because I've lost the trust of too many people in the past
In yourself? most of the time, no... but sometimes I can be confident in who I am
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? ritsuka... so I can know what it feels like to have lost everything
Anything else? this is the most difficult rating community survey I've ever filled out!

stamped: yuiko

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