Suki da yo...

Feb 09, 2006 16:39


Name: Takusen
Age: 18

Favorite Quote? Why does it have significance to you?
"Everybody gets hurt. Sometimes a big hurt, sometimes a little hurt. But the person who's suffered a lot isn't especially strong. And the person who's hurt a little isn't especially weak. What's important.. is being able to get over it."
When I first read it, I actually started to cry. I learned something from this quote.
I carry this quote around with me everywhere, so when I get upset, I can remember.
I think its one of the most beautiful and truthful things I have ever read.

Likes: chocolate, animals, Cooking, Music, Art, Anime, Culture, Singing, Helping others when needed, dear friends, photography, Movies ( mostly Comedy, Horror), Writing, role playing, making other's laugh and smile?, clothing, fashion, so many things I love <3
(I too enjoy reading if its a good book!)
Dislikes: Homophobes, Racists, Rudeness/being cruel to others in general, bugs, feeling betrayed, hurting others, and just stupid people who think they know it all! oh yes.. and those who think their all "Psychic".. er.. and people who just moan and complain about how bad they have it, and do NOTHING about it! ew.. know it alls! oh yes.. and BEING A HYPOCRITE! ( I am one.. somtimes ¬_¬)

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why? in my spare time? hmm.. I role play online, draw, paint, uhh.. listen to music, take photographs, cooking, read, write, making dolls out of paper, listen to my friend's problems, hang out by myself, and of course sleeping
Who do you look up to as a model for how to live your life? Why? I dont really have a model.. I have a few I guess, but no real one that could stand out above anyone else. I just wish I could open up and stop bottling up my feelings, figure out what I want to do in life, be happy and successful?

Your best quality? Why? Im loyal almost to a fault. unless I think something is WRONG. than I'll try to do what I think is right. Also, I am very creative. They are my best qualities because If I wasnt creative I feel like I would be nothing, and extremely bored and boring. My loyalty? hmm.. I tend to try to be as good to my friends as I can I guess.. really! They often tell me Im too nice or something? that also tend to worry about me alot though because I force happiness sometimes. I really hate it when people worry about me.
Your worst? Why? I dont have a main "worst" quality. I have so many..
so I guess I should list them all? feeling ashamed, feeling like Im not good enough or unworthy, ADHD, Dislexia, self esteem issues, bad at math and spelling @_@; I also seem to feel/get sick alot? oh yes.. I hold my feelings inside than I explode with a horrible tempter.. and Im somewhat.. easy to throw off course/ angered its never a little thing, it turns HUGE! like a backwords funnel..easily annoyed sometimes.. uhh.. and I am very stubbern sometimes.. Im VERY envious too.. easily jealous and stuff..mostly dealing with looks,beauty and too.. last but not least, I soak up and reflect other's emotions like a sponge.
The world's not a perfect place. What would you want to change about it? Why? to give everyone manners, tollerance and respect. I hate how the earth is being destroyed. But I also hate whats going on with the human race. so Im wishing for a better, cleaner, safer and just overall happier earth!
You're not perfect, either. What would you change about yourself? Why?
hmm.. thats a tough one. I would change who I am. I want to be able to open up and stop pretending. I want to no longer be depressed. I dont want everyone worrying about me so much.. I really hate it. I dont want to fake my own happiness anymore..never again ever. nor would I have to see 1 psychologist and 1 social worker..well.. maybe less often? less than once a week?
Do you believe in people? sometimes. I've been having some trust issues since the begining of middle school. Especially with men. Mostly because of my past which Im not sure if I should say anything about.. my father cheated on my mother when she was dying in the hospital of breast cancer. basically he told her he wanted her to die. nobody was ever home much to take care of my brother and I, I basically raised us both.. so.. sometimes I have my doubts with people. (and honestly, I sometimes feel like I killed, or rather, murdered myself and became a different person. When my mother gets mad at me, she asks what happened to her little sweet girl. I dont take it personally, or try not to, shes just mad and appologizes later.)
In yourself? it depends really. Usually I dont believe in myself. My self-esteem has shot down a good amount in these past years.

If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why?
hmmm.. thats a tough one too! I like Ritsuka, but I dont know how much fun I could have with that? so... maybe.. Soubi? or Kio? lol? Yuiko ( I find her voice annoying though -_-; ) also seems to have alot of fun!
Anything else? thank you in advance! I've been kind of lurking around the community for some time.. so I thought it was about time to post an app!


stamped: ritsuka

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